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Exam 500-450: Implementing, and Supporting the Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise

Introduction to the Exam course

Exam 500-450: Implementing, and Supporting the Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise is a 75-minute exam that generally tests the knowledge, and skills of the candidates for effectively deploying the Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise solutions. Cisco Unified CCE is the major part of the Cisco Unified Communications applications which effectively delivers the intelligent call routing, and multichannel contact management to contact the best center agents over an IP network, and the best relevant skills that are needed for this generally include installing, its set-up, get configure, and effectively troubleshoot the relevant solution.

Exam details

For the Cisco Designing Unified Contact Center Enterprise, and for this examination, the candidates will get 75 minutes to complete the entire exam, and this exam mainly contains several questions which have multiple type format questions, and drag-and-drop, and fill in the blanks type questions. The number of available questions in the Exam is approx. 65 to 75 questions. For the passing score in the Exam, Cisco does not effectively publish the passing score in the Exam as this is due to the reason that the exam questions and the passing score are mainly subject to change without prior notice. This exam is valid for two years.

Name of Exam: Designing Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise

Code of Exam: 500-440-UCCED

Time Duration of Exam: The available time Duration of the Exam is 75 minutes.

Exam format: Multiple choice questions

Validity of Exam certification: 2 years

Exam Fee: The Exam fee for the Exam is $300 USD

Language of Exam: English

Registering for the Exam

To register for the Exam, the candidates are required to follow the following main steps that are mainly as follows:

Create an Account on Pearson VUE, and if the candidate is already having an account on Pearson VUE, then the candidates are required to log in to their account.

Select the best Proctored Exams, and enter the exam number, 500-440 UCCED

Follow up the major prompts to register, and effectively make the payment for the Exam.

Course Outline of Exam 500-450

The exam syllabus for the outline course of Exam 500-450 is mainly divided into some modules.

Describing the main features, and major Functionality of the Cisco Unified CCE best solution (23%)

Identify, and design the best considerations for Cisco Unified Communications Managers in the Cisco Unified CCE best solution. (11%)

Print out the Network design-related effective consideration in the Cisco Unified CCE Solution (19%)

Describe the relevant Sizing process for the Contact Center Resources, and Cisco Unified CCE major components (13%)

Describe the best Virtualizations Environment for the Contact center resources, and Cisco Unified best CCE components (11%)

Cisco 500-450 Exam policies

There are several bets relevant main policies which the candidates are mainly required to get adhere to, and Cisco mainly includes various relevant policies of Exam that helps, and support the candidates to effectively understand the major relevant terms, and procedures for the certification Exam.

Retake policy of Exam 500-450

If the candidate failed to clear the first attempt for the Exam, then they have to wait for five calendar days, and once after passing the exam, the candidates are required to wait for at least a minimum of 180 days before taking the same exam as with having an identical exam number.

Rescheduling policy of Exam

Those candidates who effectively want to get reschedule their exam must need to contact Pearson VUE, or could access the online Pearson VUE account for rescheduling an exam up to the scheduled start time for the appointment for Exam, as failure to reschedule the exam as before the appointment time to appear for the appointment that would result in the forfeiture to the Exam.

Cancellation policy

To cancel the online proctored exam the candidates must contact Pearson VUE, or access the online Pearson VUE Account to cancel the exam as before the appointment time, and failure to get appear for the appointment would result in the forfeiture to the Exam.

Best preparatory guide to prepare for the Exam Designing Cisco Unified Contact Center enterprise (500-450)

The preparation guide for the Exam Designing Cisco Unified Contact Center enterprise (500-450) would help, and support the candidate throughout their relevant journey for this Exam that mainly acts like as bridge for the advancement of career of candidate, so to effectively prepare for the Exam 500-450 the candidates can surely follow up all such relevant steps so that they can successfully pass the Exam.

Referring to the Exam guide: This is the first step towards passing the Exam and planning for it, so the candidate must refer to the exam guide to pass the exam, as also the objectives of an Exam play a significant role in the exam.

Learning resources: Cisco generally get offers the best online training source to help, and support the candidates to effectively prepare for the Designing Cisco Unified Contact Center enterprise (500-450) Examination, and this training course would help the candidates to gain the best-required knowledge for the Examination, so the candidates can also follow this to pass the exam.

Reference books: Books are the ultimate, and best source of learning, and also several references are available to help the candidate to prepare together with all such learning resources.

Joining a study group: This is so much essential to stay connected with the people who have relevance to the candidate, and this would help the candidate to gain some additional required knowledge related to the Exam UCCED so, the candidates must join the study groups where they can connect with a larger no. of the audience, and could discuss the relevant concepts with the people who have the similar goal.

Practice Tests: This is very much important for what the candidate has learned so that they are in their relevant position to effectively analyze the best practice set, as practicing for the test paper would also improve the answer writing skills that would result to save a lot of time.

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