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Functions Homework Help

Now we are moving to the higher level of C Language.

What is a Function?

A Function is a block of statements that performs a specific task. We can think of main() in the C Program as a Function which executes the entire program.

{`The syntax of writing a Function is as follow:
return_type function_name(argument_1, argument_2, ….)
//Block of statements;
return return_value;

When a Function doesn’t return anything, it is written as Void Type. For example:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
void display();

void main()
printf(“The display function will be executed below this.”);

void display()
printf(“\nWelcome to the display function.”);

In the above example you have seen that we have written the first line of Function just before the main Function. That is called as the “Function Prototype Declaration”. A Prototype Declaration of Function is a must.

There can any number of Functions in a C Program. The main Function calls the other Functions in the program. One Function can call other Functions too.

Functions Homework Help

Function in C Language Example

#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
void display1();
void display2();
void main()
printf(“This example shows the calling of one function by another.”);

void display1()
printf(“\nWe are in display1 function. We are going to call display2.”);

void display2()
printf(“\nThis is display2 function.”);

Topics in C Programming

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