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Assessing the Reasons and Impact of Student Mobility on Students

Type of service:	Writing from scratch
Work type:	Research paper
Academic level:	College (1-2 years: Freshman, Sophomore)
Subject or Discipline:	Management

Background of the Study

In the current educational environment in the United States, Student mobility has become an issue of greater concern, by not only the school management, but also education authorities including the government. This owes to the fact that student mobility (a situation whereby; students make un-promotional school transfers), not only causes an undesired harm on the learners who are involved, but also causes a negative implication on the institutions, and teachers. Many educators and parents present arguments that in some instances, student mobility may be inevitable. This is because the students or parents may at one time be forced to change residences due to work transfers, sicknesses or related matters and the likes. Indeed, a survey conducted by Bhandari established that majority of cases where students move from one school to another is a result of parents or students changing residences. Nonetheless, schools and parents are also responsible in many other cases involving student mobility. For example, a school’s failure to make its learning environment conducive may instill a negative attitude on learners who may want to use available opportunities to move to another school.

As already stated, there are other factors other than a change of residence, contributing to student mobility. Among these as noted by International Education Institute (2017) include unfavorable learning environment, low quality of education, high fees for tuition and other expenses, overcrowding, student’s social issues like non-conformity to peers, expulsion or suspension due to disciplinary issues, school decision to transfer some of its students to other schools among others. School management can leverage or manage unwarranted student mobility by establishing key measures towards the same. This way, they will effectively help in extenuating the potential harm and risks caused by mobility on learners.

This paper presents an assessment regarding the best applicable strategies to reduce a high rate of student mobility in education systems in the United States. The assessment looks into institutions-wide initiatives and strategies which target particular student groups which in this case include those in the elementary school level. In this achieving this objective, former and current parents of various district learning centers will be involved in the study. This is meant to obtain information from them regarding why they opted to move their children from the various district institutions (for those who did so) and for the parents whose children are still in the same institutions on what is making them maintain their children at the centers as well as their general perceptions towards the same. This way, the researcher will be in a position of establishing retention strategies used by management of schools in attracting and retaining students while also drawing lessons from those institutions recording high turnover. The findings will enable drawing of conclusions and recommendations to improve the general learning environment of district schools in the US, as well as in enhance retention of students by school management.

Research Objectives

This research will be guided by the following research objectives

i). To establish the best strategies used by school management in managing unnecessary student mobility

ii). To find out factors contributing to high student mobility in some district schools

iii) To determine the general parent perceptions regarding the learning environment of their children

  1. iv) To find out measures to improve the general learning environment of students
  2. v) To establish the impact of student mobility

Works Cited

Bhandari, Rajika. “US student mobility students in global context”,{" "}

International Higher Education, 2017, DOI: https://doi.org/10.6017/ihe.2017.90.9991

Institute of International Education. “ Open Doors Report 2016, IIE”.

https://www.iie.org/en/Research-and-Insights/Project-Atlas/Explore-Data/United-States. Accessed 15th December, 2017.

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