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NSB231 Integrated Nursing Practice Assignment Help

                    {`Integrated Nursing Practice 2
NSB231 Assessment Task 1
Queensland University of Technology
Assessment name: Simulation

Learning outcomes measured:

  1. Apply and integrate knowledge of the key NMBA Registered Nurse Standards for Nursing Practice, National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards, and National Health Priorities to enable effective clinical decision making, planning and action in a range of situations that reflect the diversity of contemporary health care settings and challenges.
  2. Apply knowledge of anatomy, physiology and pathophysiology to support evidence - based decisions for planning and action in a range of clinical situations.
  3. Demonstrate clinical reasoning and clinical decision making in line with safe and quality person - centred care across the lifespan .
  4. Apply knowledge and skills to communicate and collaborate effectively with consumers and families.

Task description:

You will engage in a face-to-face clinical simulation scenario based on interprofessional teamwork. Th is scenario will require that you use a collaborative approach to respond to the problems and challenges of the given situation. You will watch videos and complete pre - reading before th e session. After the session, you will undertake critical analysis and evaluation of a particular aspect of the simulation.

What you need to do:

  1. Review the{" "} Mr Harry Bright case study {" "} including the videos that set the context, the simulation pre - reading and the patient related documentation available in y our Blackboard site under Week 4 Clinical Simulation and Assessment Task 1.
  2. Review the knowledge and skills relating to:
    1. Nursing Care implications: Coronary Artery Disease, Angioplasty (PTCI), Chest Pain, Bleeding and /or haematoma.
    2. Processes for patient assessment
    3. ISBAR framework for effective communication
    4. Vital sign monitoring
    5. IVT and infusion management
    6. BGL monitoring
    7. Clinical reasoning and decision - making.
  3. View the Clinical Simulation Learning Experience video.
  4. Participate in the Clinical Simulation and debrief.
  5. Reflect on your clinical simulation experience and write your response to the following two questions:

Question 1: (approx. 600 - 700 words)

Assessment is a key component of nursing practice, required for planning and provision of patient and family centred care. The Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA) in the national competency standard for registered nurses states that, “The registered nurse assesses, plans, implements and evaluates nursing care in collaboration with individuals and the multidisciplinary health care team so as to achieve goals and health outcomes.”

The simulation scenario involved Mr Bright who had just undergone an angioplasty. A potential problem related to this procedure includes impaired tissue perfusion related to haematoma formation or bleeding.

You are required to find five (5 ) contemporary, valid research journal articles (no older than 7 years) relating to the care of the patient undergoing angioplasty. Read the articles focusing on the assessment elements of care required post procedure. ( D on’t forget to link your assessment reasoning to anatomy and physiology and pathophysiolog y ).

Reflecting on the simulation, you are required to identify CORRECT nursing assessment performed on Mr Bright relating to the problem stated above. Justify your discussion using evidence from your researched articles.

Reflecting on the simulation, you are now required to identify those elements of nursing assessment that were NOT performed on Mr Bright relating to the problem stated above. Justify your discussion using evidence from your researched articles.

Question 2 : (approx. 300 - 400 words)

National Safety and Quality Health Service Standard s for Clinical Handover recommend that communication of patient information should be conducted in a standardised format using a structured process in order to transfer relevant patient information.

In the simulation, ISBAR was the structured format used to communicate patient information .

Reflect on the simulation at the point in time when Mr Bright complained of chest pain. Using the I SBAR format, do t point your structured verbal handover to the doctor advising of the patient’s chest pain. (You will need to access the patient’s clinical documentation available on Blackboard to complete all areas of I SBAR). As chest pain is an emergency situation, the information provided in ISBAR needs to be concise.

Resources needed to complete task:

  • Clinical Simulation Learning Experience video
  • Mr Bright Case Study available in your Blackboard site – Week 4 and also in Assessment Task 1 tab.
  • Five valid, contemporary peer reviewed journal articles
  • Clinical Handover https://www.safetyandquality.gov.au/our-work/clinical-communications/clinical-handover/
  • QUT Cite Write APA guide.
  • Turnitin Tip Sheets.
  • Video s under the assessment link on :
    1. Introduction to Evidence in Evidence Based Practice
    2. Academic Integrity.
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