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POL30119 Certificate III in Aboriginal Community Policing

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The culture of the Aboriginal community found in Australia contains a various number of ceremonies and practices that is centralized on a belief in mythology and Dreamtime. Respect and reverence for a property such as land and traditions that are conducted orally are emphasised. More than 300 languages and other groups and groupings have been constructed and developed in a wide range of individual cultures. Because of the colonization of Australia under a concept of terra nullius who said that the cultures belonging to it were treated as a monoculture which means one culture. The art found in Australia of the Aboriginal community and culture has remained for more than thousands of years and ranges from rock art in ancient times to modern watercolour landscapes. Music and dance have gone through the development of several unique instruments and forms. The music spans several genres which are known as contemporary Australian Aboriginal music. The individuals who belong to the Aboriginal community have not developed any type of system of writing before the colonisation, despite there was considered to find a huge variation in languages that also included sign languages.

The cultural beliefs and traditions along with the history of actual events that took place are further moved down in the oral tradition of Aboriginal which is also known as loosely as oral history. Many stories are very old. Many cultures in the Aboriginal community considers the sky is a repository of law and stories. Songs and stories are found to be associated with the sky in the context of many cultural tents. Aboriginal Australian community spiritual values and oral tradition build on reverence for properties and a belief during the time of dreaming or Dreamtime. The dreaming term is defined as both the present-day real-time and ancient era of dreaming. It also described the Aboriginal cosmology that defines the ancestral stories regarding the supernatural beings and their creators the process of creating and the location. Every story can be said as dreaming with the whole continent is over crossed by criss-cross formula by the methods of dreaming or ancestral tracks which are represented as songlines.

Many different groups have been identified with every individual culture, structure, belief, and language.

  1. A major ancestral community existed for many Aboriginal people in Australis which was known as Rainbow Serpent.
  2. The primary creator of the spirits in the southeast of Australia was known as Bunjil of Baiame.
  3. Dreaming was said to be a significant ancestor in the internal part or regions of Bandiyaaan which was known as Dingo who took part in the formation of songlines that cross the continent starting from east to west and north to south.
  4. The roots of Bunyip and Yowie were also found in Aboriginal mythology.

The sacred sites are owned by some sacred community members of the Aboriginal community that is found in the mythology of the local people.

The word lore and law are very commonly applied and used interchangeably. The term law was introduced by the Britishers and lore was related to the stories and customs from the Dreamtime, which was moved on through many generations via many songlines, dance and stories. This lore was studied in the childhood period that dictates the rules on the process of interaction with the kinship, land and community.

Australian aboriginal cultural activities and ceremonies are a part of the culture since long back and play a very vital role in society to date. These ceremonies are held on a usual basis and quite often for different reasons that include spiritual beliefs and other practices related to the culture of the community. It also included dreaming secret, stories event at different sacred locations, births, deaths and homecomings. Still it is has been found that these plays are considered to be a very important part of the culture and lives of aboriginal individuals.

Ceremonies offer a place and time for everybody present in the community and group to perform together for ensuring the ongoing survival of cultural and spiritual beliefs. Some stories are individually owned by a community or group of individuals in the aboriginal community which considers it to be vital where the ceremonies are performed and remembered accurately. Women and men perform different roles and are many times get appointment of being guardians of a sacred site, the role-play of a guardian is to care for the given location or site and other spiritual beings who are part of the appointed site, which is achieved by the performance activities such as ceremonies. Right of access to dances and songs that pertains to a specific ceremony and activity belongs to a specified group that is shared with individuals belongs to the outer community and are never shared.

The degree of self-policing of the communities of aboriginal individuals is considered to be an alternative option to permanent police who needs to e present may be feasible quite often and could be the only solution in many cases. This can result in a more effective way of allocating police resources while permitting the communities for the management of their self affairs to a maximum extent level.

Description of the Qualification

The qualification gives the basic and practical skills and knowledge in the application and working strategy in the electricity supply industry as a worker in the transmission line. The cultural beliefs and traditions along with the history of actual events that took place are further moved down in the oral tradition of Aboriginal which is also known as loosely as oral history. Many stories are very old. Many cultures in the Aboriginal community considers the sky is a repository of law and stories. Songs and stories are found to be associated with the sky in the context of many cultural tents. Aboriginal Australian community spiritual values and oral tradition build on reverence for properties and a belief during the time of dreaming or Dreamtime.

Contents in the package

Type of Unit

Number of credits

Core Units


Elective Units


Total no. of Units


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