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700007 Statistics for Business


The file containing the data sets for the following questions can be downloaded from the elearning site vUWS.

You should use Excel to carry out all calculations and statistical analysis which must be shown in the file.

All answers in this booklet must match your calculations done in Excel.

To complete this assignment, you must provide the Excel outputs for each of the questions.

Applied Project submitted after the due time will attract a late penalty in accordance with the late penalty policy stated on the Western Sydney University – The College Website.

To upload your studentID_FirstName.xlsx file follow these instructions:

  1. Login to “vUWS”.
  1. Select the Statistics for Business folder.
  1. Select “Assessments” (from the left hand side of the screen) then scroll down and click Assessment 4 Applied Project and use the Data Set as assigned from your teacher.
  1. Use “Add attachment” to select the file to be submitted.
  2. Double-check to make sure you have the correct file.
  3. Submit” your file.
  1. A written hard copy of your project containing the solutions to each question must be handed in by the due date of this project.

Applied Project Data2020.1.xlsx. It can be downloaded from vUWS.

These data comprise of the following variables:

Question 1 DATA worksheet

YouTube views Number of YouTube views from the top 100 videos

Question 2 DATA worksheet

Cost ($) 2014 Textbook costs in 2014

Cost ($) 2020 Textbook costs in 2020

Question 3 worksheet

Sugar intake (grams) Daily sugar intake of 50 adult men within the height range

1.8 metres to 1.9 metres.

Weight (kilograms) Weight of 50 adult men.

Data source: Data produced using an Excel random number generator.

Question 1 (6 marks) Marks

A research analyst is investigating a new YouTube channel regarding Tesla electric car vehicles. The top 100 videos were obtained showing the number of views each video has obtained so far.

All work for this question must be done using the worksheet named Question 1 Data.

This worksheet can be found in the data file Data Set & 2020.1.xlsx.

  • Using Excel, obtain a descriptive statistics output for “You Tube views” column in your data file.

(Mean Median Mode Range and Standard Deviation)* [1]

  • Using Excel, construct a histogram, which shows the number of YouTube views for these top 100 videos.

Histogram should have 7 bins (classes) each. * [2]

  • Using the descriptive statistics and the histogram from the above questions, comment on the distribution of the number of YouTube views for these top 100 videos.

In particular, comment on the shape of the distribution. [2]

  • Using appropriate Excel output construct a 95% confidence interval for the

population mean of the YouTube views for these top 100 videos. [1]

* Evidence of work in Excel is required

Question 2 (8 marks) Marks

All work for this question must be done in the worksheet named Question 2 Data.

This worksheet can be found in the data file Data Set & 2020.1.xlsx.

At Western Sydney University, the bookshop owner is analysing if the cost of textbooks has significantly changed within the last six years. For this study, ten

course were taken where the costs from six years ago are compared to today’s.

  • Using Excel, obtain an output for the hypothesis test at 5% level of significance.* [3]
  • Using the information in the output, conduct a hypothesis test in the space below. Make sure that you state the null and the alternative hypothesis, the decision rule

and the value of the test statistics. Explain your decision and write a conclusion. [5]

* Evidence of work in Excel is required

Question 3 (6 marks) Marks

All work for this question must be done in the worksheet named Question 3 Data.

This worksheet can be found in the data file Data Set & 2020.1.xlsx.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) recommends that adult men should consume no more than 38 grams of sugar within their daily diet. A group of fifty adult men within the height range of 1.8 metres to 1.9 metres was taken showing their daily sugar intake (grams) together with their weights (kilograms).

  • Using Excel, obtain a linear regression output.* [2]
  • Determine the linear regression equation that may be used to predict the weight of

adult men based on his daily sugar intake. [1]


Interpret the slope of the linear regression line.



State and interpret the coefficient of determination.


* Evidence of work in Excel is required

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