CMP73010 Assignment 1
Assignment 1
Part 1 – Testing
The Acceptance tests
Acceptance testing is one of the important levels of software testing where systems is tested for their acceptability. The main purpose of this level is to evaluate the system’s acceptance with the requirement, and evaluate whether it is acceptable for delivery to the end users.
Acceptance testing is the last level of software testing performed just after System testing for final making the system available for actual use.

A system for student submissions of assignments must accept submissions in a variety of formats, track student submission time and dates, provide for a word-count calculation and sends the submitter a receipt of submission when a file (or files) have been submitted. The system also provides a possibility of saving submissions temporarily as draft.
During the process of manufacturing a system for student submissions of assignments that met all requirement. All requirement is produced separately and unit tested separately, when two or more units are ready, Integration Testing is performed to assembled. After System Testing is complete, Acceptance Testing is performed to confirm that the system is ready to be deliver the end-users.
Acceptance Test:
- Internal Acceptance Testing(Alpha Testing)
- External Acceptance Testing
Acceptance Test Criteria:
During submission of assignment by student, System check for the correct file formats, also track their submission time and date, and it calculate word-count to confirm that meet word limits requirement. Student will get receipt of their submission for confirmation.
System will also check for file size must be in limits i,e; not too large file are will also accept the assignment if it is submitted before the due date of assignment.
Acceptance Test perform:
- Internal Acceptance Testing is performed by the members of developed software but does not involved in the project development and testing. Actually, members of Product and Sales Management, and Customer Support.
Here Internal Acceptance Testing is performed by the person who developed the software for an assignment submission.
- External Acceptance Testing is performed by the person who are not developed the software, but the ones from company who asked the project member of company to develop the software (Customer Acceptance Testing). User Acceptance Testing is performed by the end users of the software.
Here External testing is performed by student (end users) and the people of university who asked organisation to build a system for assignment submission.
The detailed black-box test plan:
Black box test is testing method which tested a system without go through the whole code structure and implementation details. In this testing we only focus on input and output of a system without knowing the internal details of software. This test mainly focusses on the different functionality executed in the software.
Black-box test plan:
Equivalence partitioning: in this plan, Tester group test similar conditions in each group, so only one test is required to test. If one condition runs then all of that group’s condition also must works. Because of this need less afford to test using this partitioning methods.
Ex: In print dialog, there are various dropdown available, assign each dropdown to tester group for one similar dropdown. So, if one condition for each dropdown runs then all of that group’s condition also works.
Boundary value analysis: in this plan, Tester test for the boundaries that is what values are allowed. If a system accepts a value between 1-10, so only need to check the boundaries (1,10) and also 0 and 11, but not need to waste time for check number in between.
Ex: In print dialog, there is pages input boxes in which we can enter number of pages to print, and document have 10 pages, to do test we only need to enter 1,10 (boundaries) and 0,11(overflow).
State transition testing: In this plan, Tester test a system based on outside conditions in which system can produce different outputs for the same input.
Part 2 – Configuration management
Code/file version management
There is a GitHub public project named: TeachBen/CMP73010-assignment1-2019
Steps to Sign Up github for fork my project to public project named mentioned as above:
- Open the github webpage and sign up using my email id.
- Enter username, email and password to sign up.
- A verify message will come to email, verified it and do sign in.
After sign in and fork this docx to the public project named: TeachBen/CMP73010-assignment1-2019
Build Management
Microsoft nightly build system is used for managing changes to Microsoft operating systems and other software. This system is used for a large number of projects, both open and commercial source. Microsoft nightly build system is famous for changes in development of Microsoft operating systems but there are many projects that uses daily builds. In this system developer do some changes daily and build it .it automatically made changes to the main project daily till that day. Build is performed at the end of each day of development.
- Advantages of this nightly build system for Microsoft and other systems (1 mark).
- It minimizes integration risk during integration of two or more units
- It is Easier to defect diagnosis.
- It also reduces risk of bad quality,
- Disadvantages of nightly build system system for Microsoft and other systems (1 mark).
- It requires a high degree of discipline to understand this system for maintain this system for continuous builds.
- There may be many new challenges in Continuous delivery of software.
- Every moment you need to update for good quality. It is hard to update every moment.
- How does Microsoft arrive at a release that is distributed to the public (1 mark)?
Microsoft arrive at release of that is distributed to the public by updates that can be found on Windows Update site that is available to a wider audience. Aattaching the latest and greatest consumer device to your computer, installing the critical latest updates is something user should consider. That is why Windows OS offer the ability for users and administrators to set automatic updates to the Microsoft Download Center.
Part C – Request for Proposal (RFP):
Gold Technology sells a variety of technology products like PCs, laptops, phones, routers, and it also provides device repairs and accessories. They want to integrate system to support their 6 branch shops in the different locations.
The system description:
Systems provides a customer relation database that store information of customer details, purchase history etc. And this information is analysed to marketing system. That will affect the sales of product with satisfaction of customer. Satisfaction of customer play an important role to software process. Marketing system allows digital marketing using email, social media and other modern technology, it uses customer relation database to store details from details to be entered in the existing GT website. This system provides reports for management for customer present at different location, so that they can order stock, and recruit staff and make management decisions.
Evaluation proposal received explained:
Evaluation of proposal received can be evaluated by different categories that is, all requirement must meet at system design, and also satisfy cost of process. Effective utilization of resources that are available for system design. Minimize the risk factor for all process. Time is also be considerable for system design to completion of project.
Answer query explained:
While making the software, Customer may ask variety of software products related to the software. The main aim of this to give the best result with appropriate timing and also with good communication process. The main aim is the customers must satisfy the product software with features. The evaluation is not made if the software or product is not friendly work.
The proposal must be supported with all the relevant document so that any software developer who is making software can understand it easily and developed according to the requirement. The software or product which is here is website for Gold Technology (GT) for sales of the products like mobile phones, laptop and other gadgets. Their main motto is to keep track of the information of the client for the future communication. So here we used the customer relationship management database for keep record of all the purchase product by the client for future communication.
Any other facts that would ensure proposals are useful to you and worth a supplier’s effort to respond to the RFP:
Other than the above concept the proposal is represented with clear documentation. The documentation plays important role for the client usage. So, the client may be efficient manner that will be analysed in the different category. Consider all the facts then implement the software product for working sector of process (Pinheiro J, 2008).