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Create a developmental profile of the child


Value 25%


To create a developmental profile of the child.

Learning Outcomes

Identify the major developmental periods.

Understand various developmental milestones.


This assignment is to be completed on an INDIVIDUAL basis Process:

  1. Students will review and select ONE (1) of the following case examples to use for the basis of developmental profile.
  2. Students will analyze the case studies in order to develop a developmental profile outlining the physical milestones, cognitive milestones, social/emotional and communication milestones. Your profile must include Child’s Name, which case study you choose and why?
  3. Using the grading criteria as a guide, create a visual display/ representation that reflects the underlying messages/ views of the case study you selected. You are encouraged to be creative. Possible ideas include a poster board, PPT, movie. You will present your representation in class for others to view on the date scheduled. In addition, you are required to submit a representation to the drop-box to be graded.
  4. Students will need to support and reference their opinions and perspectives with various theories and concepts discussed in the class. APA referencing is need for this.


Olivia had a very normal birth and her mother also mention there were no complications or struggles during birth. Olivia now weighs twenty-five pounds. Observations took place at her house and her grandma’s house. Olivia recently turned two years old on May 22. Olivia started crawling around seven months and was walking around at ten months. One of the recent activities that showcased her fine motor skills was her swinging a golf club. For her second birthday her parents got her a set of golf clubs and she went out in the yard and was able to swing them. Although she was not swinging them exactly the right way she was able to pick up on how her dad was swinging them and then she was doing it. She also enjoyed tearing the wrapping paper off her gifts at her birthday. She was able to tear the paper off by herself and only needed a little help with the tape. Olivia has mastered dancing and moving when she hears music. One area that Olivia struggles with is being able to crawl down stairs backwards. She probably would be able to do this but around 12 months she fell down a couple of stairs and now she is scared, so she scoots on her bottom down the stairs. She also is starting to potty train in the past couple of months. She struggled at first but seems to be getting the idea of it now and is doing well.

Since Olivia attends day care daily during the week she has the opportunity to interact and practice her language development with many other toddlers. One thing that Olivia loves more than anything is singing rhythm songs and repeating what her mom says. Every day on the way to school her mom plays a game where she will say “Hello Olivia” and go through her entire family’s names and then Olivia repeats the saying for each family member. There have been a couple of times where her mom will say an aunt’s name and then Olivia will say her uncle’s name instead because she probably just thinks about what she has connected with her aunt’s name. Olivia is mastering is being able to name and identify different colors. One of her toys is a ball that has different shapes cut out throughout the ball. She then has to find the shape that correlates with the hole in the ball and put the shape into the hole. One way her mom works with her cognitive development is by having Olivia name each color of the missing piece before she puts it into the ball.

Although she is a very calm child she has times where she will get upset or resist what her parents tell her to do like most children. Olivia shows her frustrations and can go through many different moods within a short period of time. One thing that Olivia loves doing is rebelling and resisting what her parents tell her to do. Over Christmas break at Olivia’s house and her mom told her it was time to start eating. After taking a couple of bites of her food she decided to throw her fork on the ground, she then started laughing. Her grandma picked up her fork and then she threw it on the ground again and laughed. This time her dad told her that she was not supposed to throw her fork and the next time she threw it she would get in trouble. Like any other two year old would do she threw it on the ground and starting laughing like it was the first time. The other side of Olivia is a very enjoyable child that has a lot of fun and is always smiling and laughing. She enjoys being around people and has a blast playing with her toys, dogs or family members. Her mom decided to make cupcakes with bugs on top of them for her birthday. When she saw them for the first time she started jumping up and down and kept saying “ucky bugs”. Her smile never stopped from the time she started eating them until the time everyone left that day.


Emma, who is currently 35 months of age. Emma able to hold and drink from a spouted cup, but arm movements remain spastic and she often splashes and or knocks over the cup when setting it down. She can finger feed a variety of small, soft foods, such as cut soft bread sandwiches, soft cooked vegetables, soft fruits, etc. She is beginning to use a spoon more effectively. Although she can chew effectively, she continues to have choking responses to rough, hard or chewy textures (meats, raw vegetables, fruits, etc.) Her mother reports that she continues to feed baby food to maintain nutrition, while having Emma practice using her spoon to feed herself at least half the meal. Her mother has a list of foods she is gradually introducing in small bites to increase Emma’s ability to accept the foods the family typically eats.

Emma was able to assist with dressing (raise an arm, step into a pants leg when held). But due to significant challenges in moving her arms and legs she can not yet undress or dress independently. She can open and close Velcro tabs. Her mother reports that Emma has strong preferences and insists on choosing her clothes each day. Emma has functional receptive language skills and routinely follows 2-3 step directions. She knows the names of her toys, colors, and various household objects. Emma uses 2-3 word phrases, expresses her wishes and dislikes with both words and gestures. Her pronunciation has not kept up with the vocabulary she tries to use. Emma tantrums 1-3 times daily when she can not communicate her desires, especially to her sister Jana (5 1/2 years old), since Emma is very motivated to play with her. Emma both initiates and reciprocates play interactions with adults and other children. She picks up and hands others books to read or toys to play with. She seeks the attention of her family “Look Emma”. When other children visit, Emma wants to play, but motorically cannot keep up. She needs a lot of adult facilitation and direction to imitate what the other children are doing. She loves making noises and shaking noisy toys. She laughs easily and cries when frustrated. She can sit with support or rise up from her stomach to play on the floor with toys. Outdoors, she loves swinging in her adapted seat and pool play if an adult can help her balance.

Emma can sit without support, but may lose her balance when reaching for and grabbing toys. She sometimes can sit back up on her own but not always. She can crawl and roll. She has a wheel chair, but spends much play time out of it. When put in a standing position, she can hold a couch or chair and stand 1-2 minutes on her own. She is just beginning to try a side ways step.


James is almost four years old and lives with his mom and dad in a house in the country. His father is a train engineer and spends a few days a week on the rails while his mother stays at home as a housewife. Their house sits on a large plot of land surrounded by woods on one side and a cornfield on the other. They have neighbors but only on one side and across the street. They also have many pets, two dogs, three cats, and some fish. James is presently the only child but that will be changing in a few months, as his mother is pregnant and due at the end of August. He loves trains, animals, broccoli, and being inside and outside of his house. He does not like the word “No” and is having a tough time adjusting to his mom’s attempts to add structure into their unstructured lives as her due date approaches. As an infant Betsy, James’s mother, chose not to breast feed and instead gave him formula. As a toddler, James hit all the important milestones, according to his mother, included learning to walk which occurred around fifteen months.

As James progressed from a toddler to preschooler, he continued to progress as he should with only one minor lapse. When James was three, he broke his first bone. He broke his right arm during the spring while playing in the woods behind his house with his dogs. Having a cast on his arm only slowed him down and kept him out of the water, but other than that nothing changed. Even though James just turned four he has hit many of the required gross and fine motor skills. He can run, hop, jump, walk up and down stairs alone, dress and undress, use the bathroom on his own.

James progressed through the building blocks of language beginning with babbling and moving through his first word around fifteen months and first sentence a little while later. While his mother does not know the exact time when he started babbling and spoke his first sentence, she does recall however never being concerned about the development. Currently, he is speaking in full sentences that vary in lengths and purposes. He enjoys watching television shows about super heroes and if given the chance, he will spend large amounts of time, sometimes up to twenty minutes, telling his listener all about them. James demonstrates a inclination to want to read and will often ask someone around him to read him his favorite book or play with the magnetic letters his mom bought him. His language skills are growing each day and he is learning to try new things on his own with the idea that he can always ask for help.

Grading Criteria for Developmental Profile Assignment Name:

Developmental Profile


Provides a strong and insightful analysis of the child which addresses all of the following: Physical, socioemotional,intellectual, communication milestones and various developmental abilities.

Perspactives and opinions are well supported and referenced with content specific and references to concepts and theories from the coursework are provided to support claims in your owm thinking, making insightful and applicable connections.


Provides a solid analysis of the child which addresses at least 3 milestones Perspectives and opinions are supported/ referenced with some theorists; may need further examples.

Uses relevant references to support claims in your own thinking; additional clarification may be needed.


Provides a basic summary OR addresses only 2 milestones.

Perspectives and opinions are not always supported with theorists. Uses few references to concepts and theories and may not always make clear connections to your own thoughts and ideas.


Submission addresses 1 or less developmental milestones OR is not submitted



Writing Mechanics


Professionally written with zero spelling and grammatical errors.

Can be used as an exemplar for other students.


Professionally written with few spelling and grammatical errors.


Is not professionally written and includes many spelling and grammatical errors.


Not carefully proof read OR is not submitted.



TOTAL: /20

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