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INF3703 Assignment Databases Project

Evaluation Criteria

Marker Mark



Specific Outcomes



Show an understanding of database initial study and it importance.

Evidence shows that the learner understand the organisation structure and challenges

Describing the organisation situation

Organisation full address (Name, Physical address and contact number)

Organisation mission or business objectives

Organisation general operating environment.

Organisation structure

0 = No description of the organisation situation 2 = 1/4 of the organisation situation is covered in the description or analysis.

3= 1/2 of the organisation situation is covered in the description or analysis.

4= 3/4 of the organisation situation are covered in the description or analysis.

6 = All the data elements in organisation situation are covered but with a narrow or inadequate description.

8 = All the data elements in the organisation situation are included with adequate description

Defining problems and constraints

Description of the challenges facing the organisation

Identify the project constraints

0 = No problem or constraints define

1 = Both Problem(s) and constraints clearly defined but are not database related.

1 = Only problem defined or only constraint defined 2 = Only problem(s) or constraint clearly defined . 3 = Both Problem(s) and constraints identify but not clearly defined.

4 = Both Problem(s) and constraints clearly defined but are not relevant to the organisation.

6 = Both Problem(s) and constraints well defined and relevant to the organisation.

Project objectives

0 = No objectives for the database project

0 = Objectives defined but are not database related 1 = Objectives defined but not relevant to the problem addressed

2 = Objectives defined are relevant to the problem

identified but are not clearly stated (i.e not understandable)

3 = Objectives defined are relevant to the problem identified understandable but are either too broad 4 = Objectives defined are relevant to the problem

identified but are not realistic and practical 6 = Objectives defines accommodate all the requirements above.

Project scope and boundaries permission

0 = No scope and boundaries of the project 0 = Scope and boundaries defined but are not relevant to the database problem defined

1 = Only scope or boundaries is defined 1 = Some scope and boundaries listed but not clearly define.

3 = 1/2 of the concepts (scope and boundaries) discussed are relevant to the database problem identified but are not clearly defined and are too broad

4 = 1/2 of the concepts discussed are relevant to the problem identified.

4 = All the concepts discussed but they are not relevant to the problem identified.

6 = All the concepts discussed are relevant to the problem identified, clearly defined and not too braod


Illustrate the ability to locate the sources of information and

Evidence shows that the learner did identify sources information and

Source of information

0 = No Source of information

1 = Source of information provided not adequate

2 = Source of information provided relevant 4 = Source of information provided relevant and well presented.

extract the relevant information for the database design

gathered useful information to formulate Business rules

Information collected and processed

0 = No indication on how information was collected and processed

2 = Provided inadequate explanation on how the information was collected or processed 3 = Provided adequate explanation on how information was collected or processed 4 = Provided inadequate explanation for the collection and processing of information

5 = Provided adequate explanation for collection and processing of information.

7 = Provided sufficient explanation on information collection and processing

Business rules proposed

0 = No business rules

2 = Business rules proposed/reported are ambiguous

3 = Business rules proposed/reported are


4 = Business rules proposed unambiguous and well presented

6 = Business rules proposed/reported are unambiguous and well presented but some elements are missing


Demonstrate a good understanding of principles underpinning the development of database models and proposed adequate database design model

Evidence shows student discuss and explain the design approach used

Database Design approach

0 = No design approach

1 = Discussion of database design approaches

2 = Design approach do not correlate with problem

3 = Adequate design approach without justification

4 = Adequate design approach with justification

Evidence shows that the student developed a conceptual database design

Conceptual Database Design

Main entities

Primary and foreign keys

Normalised entities

ER diagram

0 = No conceptual design

1 = 1/4 of the elements covered with limited description.

2 = 1/4 of the elements covered with adequate description

3 = 1/2 of the elements covered with limited description

4 = 1/2 of the elements covered with adequate description.

5 = 3/4 of the elements covered with limited description

6 = 3/4 of the elements covered with adequate description

7 = All the elements covered with limited description

8 = All the elements covered with sufficient description

Evidence shows that the student developed a logical database design

Logical database Design

Relational model

Integrity constraints

0 = No logical design

1 = 1/2 of the elements covered in with limited description.

3 = 1/2 of the elements covered in with adequate description

5 = All the elements covered in with limited description

6 = All the elements covered with sufficient description

Evidence shows that the student developed a physical database design

Physical database Design

Composite/Transaction usage map

Estimation of hard disk space

0 = No physical design

1 = 1/2 of the elements covered in with limited description.

3 = 1/2 of the elements covered in with adequate description

4 = All the elements covered in with limited description

6 = All the elements covered with sufficient description


Demonstrate the

ability to efficiently

manage database transaction at the conceptual level.

Evidence shows

learned formulate transactional queries in line

Define and explained transactions

0 = No definition and explanations of transactions

1 = Unclear definition or explanation of transaction

2 = Limited definition and explanation of transaction

3 = Adequate definition or explanation of transaction

with the objectives.

5 = Advanced definition and explanation of transaction

Formulate possible SQL statements for the database

0 = Statement not correct

0 = Limited use of SQL statements and the statements are not relevant for the database

1 = Limited use of SQL statements

3 = Basic use of SQL statements

4 = Advanced use of SQL statements

6 = Advanced use of SQL statements and the statements are relevant to the database


Demonstrate an understanding of methods applied to optimise database performances

Evidence shows the learner proposed a database performance optimisation


Discussion of different database performance turning methods/concepts

0 = No database performance turning discussed 1 = Limited discussion on database turning concepts

3 = Adequate discussion on database turning concepts

5 = Extensive discussion on database turning concepts

Present the database performance turning approach used and reasons

0 = No database performance turning proposed

1 = Performance turning approach not adequate

3 = Performance turning approach adequate 5 = Performance turning approach adequate and justified.

Questions and Answers

6 =

Challenges encountered and explain how you handle them

How you think the assignment can be improved

Report layout


The report should be a minimum of 15 pages and a maximum of 20 pages. And the pages should be numbered (bottom centre)

Include table of content

Use time new romans

Font size 12

The paragraphs should be justified and single spacing.

0 = None of the prescribed layout and page restriction was applied

3 = Some of the prescribed layout and page restriction was applied

5 = Prescribe layout or page restriction applied

6 = Professional layout applied

Letter of permission and declaration

If the two documents are completed, signed and attached to the final report

If not

Award student full mark obtained for the assignment

Award 0 mark to the student

Case base company or real-world company

As indicated in the assignment 02 information document, extra 10 marks will be awarded to students that put extra effort to find real-world organisations, schools, business, or NGOs. The reason for this is that the assignment is designed to make students gain a real-world experience for instance how to generate business requirement,

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