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Leadership Project Question

Leadership Project 1

There is endless debate about which leadership technique works better/best. Clearly, the answer is the one that works best given the people, environment, constraints, etc. However, there is a multitude of bad leadership examples, some of which you have read about in Merida this session.

In this 750-1000 word assignment, you need to document one (1) negative leadership trait for each of three (3) kings from Merida (through page 131). Each trait and related king should be unique. Since scholarly writing is without bias, you need to document your choices through two (2) scholarly sources for each trait/king (six (6) total sources) to explain why a given trait is negative. Limit your literature search to the last five (5) years and select only sources that are full text – PDF.

As part of this project, prepare an annotated bibliography. The bibliography will be structured as follows: APA formatted reference (minimum 250 words per reference) followed by summary of key points, evaluation of the quality of the publication, evaluation of the quality of the author(s), where this fits into the assignment, and the library database in which you found the article (due Thursday of the assigned week). The traditional APA reference page will be turned in with the associated paper.

Leadership Project 2

Over the last two (2) weeks, you have read four (4) new chapters in the course text (pages 132 – 221). Each chapter reveals to the reader both history and God’s hand in it. The chapters tell of both formal leadership (those in a position of power based on organizational structure) and informal leadership (those who have power based on their ability to demonstrate influence without being in a formal organizational structure).

In this assignment, the student is required to write an APA formatted 750-1,000 word paper that expands on a theme from one of the chapters. Why was this information so important that Merida included it in the text? How is this theme relevant today? Why is this theme important to you in your current or future leadership endeavors? Support your research with five (5) scholarly sources. Limit your literature search to the last five (5) years and select only sources that are full text – PDF.

As part of this project, prepare an annotated bibliography. The bibliography will be structured as follows: APA formatted reference (minimum 250 words per reference) followed by summary of key points, evaluation of the quality of the publication, evaluation of the quality of the author(s), where this fits into the assignment, and the library database in which you found the article (due Thursday of the assigned week). The traditional APA reference page will be turned in with the associated paper.

Leadership Final Project

Merida has provided deep insight into 1 and 2 Kings. This insight is more than just stories about historical events. The depth comes from the people involved. The text covered a full range of personalities from murderous villains to others who were completely sold out for God. People in leadership today have to deal with a full range of personalities as well (hoping the true villains are a distinct minority!).

You are to write a 1,600-1,750 word document, double-spaced, APA-formatted paper. In your paper, you will evaluate three (3) current leadership styles in light of what you have read in Merida. Where did you find examples of each of those styles in the text? Where were they effective in the biblical setting? What different leadership style might have been more effective (biblical character attempted style A – what you are writing about – but would have made more progress with style B)? In what settings or situations might the style you are evaluating work well today? Support your research with eight (8) scholarly sources. Limit your literature search to the last five (5) years and select only sources that are full text – PDF.

As part of this project, prepare an annotated bibliography. The bibliography will be structured as follows: APA formatted reference (minimum 250 words per reference) followed by summary of key points, evaluation of the quality of the publication, evaluation of the quality of the author(s), where this fits into the assignment, and the library database in which you found the article (due Thursday of the assigned week). The traditional APA reference page will be turned in with the associated paper.

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