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BIOL180 D002 Quiz Test Question

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Part 1 of 5 - Part 1: Text Material

Question 1 of 33

What is an example of a response to stimuli in a living organism?

36.0 Points 3.0 Points

  1. A bacteria taking up nutrients from the soil
  2. A plant bending towards the sun
  3. A fungi crawling away from a person
  4. A bear hibernating in the winter

Feedback: Great.

Question 2 of 33

What process do scientists use as a way to perform research with defined steps that include experiments 3.0 Points and careful observation?

  1. The right hypothesis
  2. A journal article
  3. The scientific method
  4. A clean lab bench

Feedback: Great job.

Question 3 of 33

Which type of science seeks to expand knowledge regardless of the short-term application of that knowledge?

3.0 Points

  1. natural
  2. basic
  3. applied
  4. empirical

Feedback: Great.

Question 4 of 33

What is the first step in the scientific process?

3.0 Points

  1. Observation
  2. Data collection
  3. Prediction
  4. Hypothesis formation

Feedback: Great job.

Question 5 of 33

Which is a single cell that lacks membrane bound organelles?

3.0 Points

  1. Ribosomes
  2. Nucleolus
  3. Eukaryote
  4. Prokaryote

Feedback: Great.

Question 6 of 33

3.0 Points Which scientific name is written in the proper format?


Great job.

Question 7 of 33

What is the term for an organisms' ability to maintain constant internal conditions even when environmental conditions change?

3.0 Points

  1. Homeostasis
  2. Equilibrium
  3. Centered
  4. Equality

Feedback: Great.

Question 8 of 33

Which type of science seeks to use science to solver real-world problems?

3.0 Points

  1. applied
  2. empirical
  3. natural
  4. basic

Feedback: Great.

Question 9 of 33

What is adaptation due to?

3.0 Points

  1. response to touching a thorn on a plant
  2. altering reproduction from single to multi-cell
  3. a consequence of evolution by natural selection
  4. a change in eating habits due to health issues

Feedback: All living organisms share several key characteristics that define life; adaptation is one of them. For more information, see properties of life in Chapter 1.

Question 10 of 33

What is the main reason offspring will belong to the same species as the parents? 3.0 Points

  1. They share the same habitat.
  2. They share the same genes.
  3. They share the same food.
  4. They share the same environment.

Feedback: Great.

Question 11 of 33

What is the correct order from highest level to lowest level of taxonomic hierarchy?

3.0 Points

  1. Family, order, genus, species
  2. Order, family, genus, species
  3. Genus, species, order, family
  4. Species, genus, family, order

Feedback: Great.

Question 12 of 33

Which statement would be a hypothesis using the scientific method?

3.0 Points

  1. My grass is not growing.
  2. Why isn’t my grass growing?
  3. There must be something wrong with my sprinkler.
  4. If my sprinklers are not working, then my flowers will also die.
  5. I turn on my sprinklers.

Feedback: Remember, the hypothesis works to answer your question, and a prediction is based on the hypothesis, so they may sound similar. Review the scientific process in Chapter 1.

Part 2 of 5 - Part 1: Text Material - B

Question 13 of 33

Which statement best describes analogous structures?

36.0 Points 3.0 Points

  1. occur in unrelated species
  2. evolve from a common ancestor
  3. result from divergent evolution
  4. cause increased mutation

Feedback: Great job.

Question 14 of 33

Which is an example of genetic drift? 3.0 Points

  1. Snakes on an island that are unbanded survive better than banded snakes because they avoid predation.
  2. Ten butterflies that are migrating get swept off course and start a new island population.
  3. A bee pollinates purple or yellow orchids dependent on the frequency of the flower color in the population.
  4. Finches with large beaks survive and reproduce more after a drought.

Feedback: Great job.

Question 15 of 33

What did the modern synthesis add to the theories of Darwin and Wallace?

3.0 Points

  1. A framework for understanding limited resources.
  2. The concept of natural selection.
  3. Mechanisms of inheritance of traits.
  4. A modern understanding of cellular respiration.

Feedback: Great job.

Question 16 of 33

How did Darwin define evolution?

3.0 Points

  1. change in allele frequency over time
  2. inheritance of acquired characteristics
  3. descent with modification
  4. adaptation to climate

Feedback: Darwin described an evolutionary process that occurs when change happens in populations over generations. Read more in Chapter 11.

Question 17 of 33

A population of pocket mice has two coat colors: black and brown. There are more black mice on lava 3.0 Points rocks where there are hawk predators. This is an example of:

  1. Genetic drift
  2. Mutation
  3. Natural selection
  4. Macroevolution

Feedback: Mice that are the same color as the rock (black) are able to survive predator attacks better because they are more camouflaged. This is an example of natural selection. Read more in Chapter 11.

Question 18 of 33

What is the change in a population’s allele frequency from one generation to the next that is due to chance known as?

3.0 Points

  1. genetic drift
  2. mutation
  3. migration
  4. natural selection

Feedback: Great job.

Question 19 of 33

What is one of the three principles that results in natural selection?

3.0 Points

  1. Inheritance of acquired characteristics creates a strong evolutionary force.
  2. Characteristics are inherited from parent to offspring.
  3. Resources are unlimited and arise from the endless supply of energy from the sun.
  4. Individuals in a population have the same ability to survive and reproduce.

Feedback: Great job.

Question 20 of 33

When does allopatric speciation occur?

3.0 Points

  1. when individual migrate from one population to another
  2. when a parent species becomes two species in one location.
  3. when populations are geographically separated and diverge.
  4. when mutation increases the number of offspring.

Question 21 of 33

What is microevolution?

3.0 Points

  1. the change in allele frequency in a population.
  2. due to detrimental effects on fitness.
  3. the field of study which examine allele frequencies.
  4. the change that gives rise to new species.

Feedback: Great job.

Question 22 of 33

Which of the following is accurate about mutation?

3.0 Points

  1. Mutation causes gene flow between populations.
  2. Mutation alone is a strong mechanism of evolution.
  3. Mutation is the ultimate source of novel variation.
  4. Mutation results from bottleneck events.

Feedback: Although there are many processes that can change allele frequencies in a population, only mutation can result in new variation. Read more in Chapter 11.

Question 23 of 33

What are the four evolutionary forces that would disrupt population Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium? 3.0 Points

  1. photosynthesis, cellular respiration, behavior, and mutation
  2. behavior, non-assortative mating, divergence, and equilibrium
  3. sexual selection, natural selection, competition, and convergence
  4. migration, mutation, genetic drift, and natural selection

Feedback: Great job.

Question 24 of 33

A classic scientific study showed that crayfish on one side of the isthmus of Panama were more closely 3.0 Points related to other species on the other side of the isthmus than to each other. The most likely explanation for this result is:

  1. gene flow
  2. vicariance
  3. mutation
  4. dispersal

Feedback: The most likely explanation is that a several separation crayfish species were separated by the formation of the isthmus and the then separated populations diverged. Read more in Chapter 11.

Part 3 of 5 - Part 2: Lecture

Question 25 of 33

It is important to understand issues of the modern world but separating what in current literature?

12.0 Points 3.0 Points

  1. Television shows and magic
  2. Valid science and pseudoscience
  3. News articles and social media
  4. Interesting articles and boring articles

Feedback: Knowing the different between quality research and false information is important to distinguish. See

Unifying Theme in Lesson Lecture

Question 26 of 33

A plant physiologist notices a group of trees growing all in one direction, contrary to what she thinks 3.0 Points should happen. This is an example of what part of the scientific method?

  1. Observation
  2. Conclusion
  3. Experiment
  4. Question
  5. Hypothesis

Feedback: Great job.

Question 27 of 33

A molecular biologist notices something different in the genetic profile of an individual, performs careful 3.0 Points research, and thinks he discovers a new gene responsible for high blood pressure in humans. The last step is an example of what part of the scientific method?

  1. Experiment
  2. Observation
  3. Hypothesis
  4. Question
  5. Conclusion

Feedback: Great job.

Question 28 of 33

Biology is the study of life, as such it is focused on the things that are living or called what? 3.0 Points

  1. Auxiliary
  2. Biotic
  3. Vital
  4. Inorganic
  5. Abiotic

Feedback: Great job!

Part 4 of 5 - Part 3: Lab 12.0 Points

Question 29 of 33

According to this week’s Lesson, which of the following topics did the Pew Research Center report 3.0 Points discrepancies in opinion between the general public and scientists?

  1. Climate Change
  2. Evolution
  3. In vitro fertilization
  4. Human genomics
  5. Stem cells

Feedback: For instance, the public’s opinion is skewed from that of the scientific community with regards to genetically altered foods and nuclear power. Review the public opinion section located in the Week 1 Lab ELF Lesson.

Question 30 of 33

Which of the following is the second step in the scientific method? 3.0 Points

  1. Observation
  2. Prediction
  3. Experiment
  4. Data Analysis Hypothesis

Feedback: Correct! The scientific method is a systematic, multi-step process by which scientists test hypotheses.

Question 31 of 33

The scientific method has been applied to all of the following EXCEPT ___________. 3.0 Points

  1. Movements of Glaciers
  2. Mass conservation
  3. Principles of inheritance
  4. Doppler effect
  5. Apparition sightings

Feedback: Scientific evidence arises when multiple scientists can reliably and repeatedly make the same observations or collect similar data about the same scientific phenomenon. Review the scientific method in the Week 1 Lab ELF Lesson.

Question 32 of 33

Which scientist contributed to the study of geology by studying the movement of glaciers? 3.0 Points

  1. Louis Agassiz
  2. Christian Doppler
  3. James Hutton
  4. Gregor Mendel
  5. Charles Darwin

Feedback: Correct! This scientist studied glaciation, and his observations led to the discovery of historic ice ages.

Part 5 of 5 - Random draw from 180 - 1 Question 4 pts

Question 33 of 33

What is a good basic definition of biology?

4.0 Points

4.0 Points

  1. The science that studies life.
  2. The science that studies chemicals.
  3. The science that studies rocks.
  4. The science that studies death.
  5. The science that studies art.

Feedback: Great.

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