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Eect009 : Environmental Management For Assessment Answers


In the Reflective Journal assessment item in the Course Profile part of the instructions states: "You are required to make four (4) weekly entries to your reflective journal in weeks 3-6 inclusive, that is, for 4 weeks on lecture content reflection (both lectures for any one week's entry) in addition to the videos shown in the workshops during weeks 4-5 only for those weeks' entries. Each week's journal entry will be marked out of 5 (see marking criteria below)." so, I need 4 reflective journals, one reflective each week , I've included all the documents that u need ... for example i attached all the lectures from week 3 to 6, so in week 3 or 6 is up to you if you want to write about one part of the lecture or all the parts. In week 4, 5 plz reflect on the videos I've included the link to it with the lectures to get an idea about the videos.


Lecture of the 3rd week

In the 3rd week, the lecturer session’s discussion topic was Environmental Rules and Regulations of Australia (Byrnes et al. 2016). I got to know about the different sustainability policies which mainly include economic tools, knowledge-based tool, and command & control tool.  As a student these issues were quite important for me and after paying much attention I felt all these tools are quite necessary for regulating the policies but primarily the economic tool would be the most required source as without sufficient finance no policy can be implemented effectively. There were parts in the lecture where the various sources of finance were discussed and I think it as very essential. Apart from it knowledge based tool was another important aspect for me because the people who would be teaching others the necessity of maintaining these policies should themselves have proper knowledge about it. The fact which interested me the most was when I knew that there was a debate that had happened between NGOs - environmentalist and government regarding this environmental rules and regulations (Arguedas & Rousseau 2015). In this session I also asked the lecturer about these policies and I also provided my opinion towards it. Opinion towards the policies has made be able to understand where to focus while solving any problem. The lectured had appreciated my views and encouraged me to continue the discussion further, Most of my points got matched so I was satisfied in that session. I got to know that the Government had declared standards which includes; emission and ambient (Smit et al. 2017). Therefore, all the benefits and problems regarding these standards were discussed in this lecturer session.

Lecture of 4th week 

The lecture of the 4th week helped me to understand the concept of "Federalism" and environmental politics. I was very enthusiastic as a totally different topic like the background of the Franklin River Battle case study was highlighted (Thomson, 2017).  The lecturer had also mentioned that the importance of case study regarding lake Pedder. This personality took me aback because I was watching news on him some days ago and I got to know that Lake Pedder was the cornerstone of the green movement (Drew, 2015). The role and responsibilities of High Court, Constitutions and Federal Government was highlighted too and I was focussed during this particular time as I am a student of environmental management and the relevant legal policies are quite important for me to know. Along with these lectures the other thing which interested me was some rare photographs of different situation or personnel shown in the session.

The major thing which left me puzzled in the video session was that the 2012 summer Olympic Management had committed to creating greenest games ever. I had many queries about this portion which the lecturer clarified eventually. Moreover, I got to know that 2012 Olympic will address some serious issues like; carbon emission and sustainability (Ashton, 2016). There is a law named, Clean Air Act which helps local people of U.S to survive death from severe air pollution (Isen, Rossin-Slater & Walker, 2017). Another appealing aspect in the lecture for me was when I came to know that the Kennecott mine was violating the U.S emission standards for five years (Albert & Arrowsmith, 2017). I clarified my doubts about Kennecott mine’s news and lastly I was clear on the rules and regulations for environmental management in Australia. 

Lecture on 5th week 

In this lecturer session, I get to know that Lord Mayor of Sydney, had made a commitment to make Sydney an environmentally, economically, socially, culturally and sustainable city. Moreover, I got to know that Sydney had successfully reduced emission by 25%. Sydney city had adopted many environmentally friendly policies in the sector of water harvesting, receding building, energy efficiency programmes (Eberbach, 2017). I also became very excited to know that the government of Australia actually monitor these programmes and see to its extent of effective implementation.  Sydney Airport is also working with these governmental communities so that local government could manage the aircraft noise pollutions in aviation industry. I came to know that Sydney was trying to promote the use of LED lights and other energy efficiency measures which would help to reduce emission more effectively (Laslett et al. 2017). Since the coastal areas are mostly populated throughout the entire year, it becomes quite difficult for New South Wales government to inspect it always. Hence they have appointed the local governmental bodies to look after this situation and this is the major thing which surprised me the most. These strategies would be biodiversity conservation strategy and defence environmental strategy. Biodiversity conservation strategy means to productively manage their biological resources so that they can maintain sustenance in environment. As for me this would be a major help on the protection of environment because wit increased amount of pollution each day, these resources get hampered the most. On the other hand, they would also get much help from the Australian Government in their defence environmental project plan.

Lecture of the 6th week 

The lecture of the 6th week has helped me to comprehend the environmental movement part 2, included NGOs to Green Political Parties (McDonald, Jonson & Dixon, 2016). This was the most informative lecture among all these lecturer sessions, as in this lecture I got to gain lots of knowledge regarding various environmental problems. The most distinctive feature of this lecture session was the movements that were being mentioned by the lecturer, it was from ancient ages to the 20th century and it interested me greatly. There was a presentation of the historical context of environmental movement, which was exhibited through a projector. The concept of FoE(Friends of the Earth) movement, was something very new as it had occurred in the year 1969 (Tranter, 2014). Another lecture was delivered regarding the Greenpeace campaign which had occurred in the year 1971 ( Ollis & Hamel-Green,2015). I got to know that there were there four different campaigns that had occurred during this period and their names were Mururoa Atoll, Whale Campaign. Seal culling campaign and Waste Campaign. At the end of this lecture session, Australian Conservation Foundation was accurately discussed (Wells, 2015).

From this lecturer session, I have also gained knowledge regarding Western Plains Landscape Guardian. The features of WPLG, the pressure from a political party, the lock gate alliance movement were all discussed in this lecturer session. Local grass root activism and global green charter were also discussed and this was interesting as I already had known about it before so it got matched with the lecturer’s views. These were the major points in entire session upon which I had focussed the most and constructed my report.


Albert, S., & Arrowsmith, S. J. (2017). Combining Seismic and Acoustic Event Catalogs to Better Understand the Nature of Individual Events (No. SAND2017-3692C). Sandia National Lab.(SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States).  Retrived on 31st August 2018 from: https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/1458154

Arguedas, C., & Rousseau, S. (2015). Emission standards and monitoring strategies in a hierarchical setting. Environmental and Resource Economics, 60(3), 395-412. Retrived on 31st August 2018 from: https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/34598824.pdf  

Ashton, N. (2016). Learning to be Green: A Study of the Olympic Games. Retrived on 31st August 2018 from:  https://ruor.uottawa.ca/bitstream/10393/35277/1/ASHTON%2C%20Natalie%2020165.pdf

Bento, A., Freedman, M., & Lang, C. (2015). Who benefits from environmental regulation? Evidence from the Clean Air Act Amendments. Review of Economics and Statistics, 97(3), 610-622. Retrived on 31st August 2018 from:  https://digitalcommons.uri.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?referer=https://scholar.google.co.in/&httpsredir=1&article=1014&context=enre_facpubs

Byrnes, T., Buckley, R., Howes, M., & Arthur, J. M. (2016). Environmental management of boating related impacts by commercial fishing, sailing and diving tour boat operators in Australia. Journal of Cleaner Production, 111, 383-398. Retrived on 31st August 2018 from: https://s3.amazonaws.com/academia.edu.documents/

Drew, M. (2015). Nature as inspiration: valuing aesthetic and cultural landscapes. Valuing Nature: Protected Areas and Ecosystem Services, 50. Retrived on 31st August 2018 from: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/James_Fitzsimons/publication

Eberbach, A. H., Kozloski, J. R., Lynar, T. M., & Wagner, J. M. (2017). U.S. Patent Application No. 14/983,325. Retrived on 31st August 2018 from: https://patentimages.storage.googleapis.com/9c/30/a4/40371d6222211b/US20170185905A1.pdf

Isen, A., Rossin-Slater, M., & Walker, W. R. (2017). Every breath you take—every dollar you’ll make: The long-term consequences of the clean air act of 1970. Journal of Political Economy, 125(3), 848-902. Retrived on 31st August 2018 from:  https://static1.squarespace.com/static/57a3c0fcd482e9189b09e101/t/582224a6b8a79be5877c4572/1487789966021/Isen_Rossin_Slater_Walker.pdf

Laslett, D., Carter, C., Creagh, C., & Jennings, P. (2017). A large-scale renewable electricity supply system by 2030: Solar, wind, energy efficiency, storage and inertia for the South West Interconnected System (SWIS) in Western Australia. Renewable Energy, 113, 713-731. Retrived on 31st August 2018 from: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Dean_Laslett/publication/317402570

McDonald, T., Jonson, J., & Dixon, K. W. (2016). National standards for the practice of ecological restoration in Australia. Restoration Ecology, 24, S4-S32. Retrived on 31st August 2018 from: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1111/rec.12359  

Ollis, T., & Hamel-Green, M. (2015). Adult education and radical habitus in an environmental campaign: Learning in the coal seam gas protests in Australia. Australian journal of adult learning, 55(2), 202-219. Retrived on 31st August 2018 from: https://dro.deakin.edu.au/eserv/DU:30074731/ollis-adulteducationand-2015.pdf

Smit, R., Kingston, P., Wainwright, D. H., & Tooker, R. (2017). A tunnel study to validate motor vehicle emission prediction software in Australia. Atmospheric Environment, 151, 188-199. . Retrived on 31st August 2018 from:  https://espace.library.uq.edu.au/data/UQ_416408/UQ416408_OA.pdf

Thomson, A. J. (2017). Vital ground: a sculptural investigation of the perceptions of Rock Island Bend on the Franklin River, Tasmania (Doctoral dissertation, University of Tasmania). Retrived on 31st August 2018 from:  https://eprints.utas.edu.au/23928/1/Thomson_whole_thesis.pdf

Tranter, B. (2014). Social and political influences on environmentalism in Australia. Journal of Sociology, 50(3), 331-348. Retrived on 31st August 2018 from: https://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=

Walker, C. (2016). Will the federal government revisit its attacks on environment groups?. ENVIRONMENTAL RACISM, 12. Retrived on 31st August 2018 from: https://d3n8a8pro7vhmx.cloudfront.net/foe/legacy_url/130/CR127-final.pdf?1471404227#page=12

Wells, P. (2015, February). Why and how do Australian Corporates Support Conservation Bodies? Implications for Governance. In International Conference on Management, Leadership & Governance (p. 262). Academic Conferences International Limited. Retrived on 31st August 2018 from: https://repository.uib.ac.id/404/1/2.%20ICMLG-15-Proceedings.pdf#page=275

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