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Hlst259 Mental Health Nursing : Assessment Answers

Mental health is an emotive issue and often is the subject of misleading information and prejudice. Anyone working the healthcare sector is going to be involved in treating someone with a mental health issue, so understanding more about current facts, perspectives and attitudes is essential.   The assignment is made up of two separate tasks:

A seminar paper exploring aspects of mental health conditions and current legislation
A reflective account analysing and evaluating user views and experiences of attitudes towards mental health problems.


Mental Health Legislation

It's also referred to as Mental Health Act. It was first preceded in 1983, and further altered in 2007 and shows how you could be treated and what rights you have if you have mental disorders (Nhs.uk, 2017). Mental health act approves legitimate powers doctors, and mental health professionals that are certified have the authority to detain you to the hospital for medication and against your will. The doctors concerned will either be endorsed under Section 12 of the Mental Health Act (such as your GPA).

Principle of mental health act

Principles for persons with mental illness.This related to an individual may have , or who has, a mental illness and they include .
  • Have the Same human rights: They have the same basic human right like other persons and these must be recognized and should be recorded, and Also it is also other  people's right to respect the person's human dignity and worth as a person.
  • Making decision matters should be considered: In these case, a person should be encouraged to be part of his or her decision making on what is affecting their life especially in decisions about person's wishes and preferences, treatment and care and their views are to be recorded.
  • Person support: To family, guardians and to other support persons that support the person with the mental illness they are to be involved in decision making about the individual's life treatment and care, subject to their right to privacy.
  • Information and support provision: Tofamily, guardians and to other support persons that support the person with the mental illness they are to be involved in decision making about the individual's life treatment and care, subject to their right to privacy.
  • Achievement of self-reliance and maximum provision:An individual who has a mental illness is to be helped to achieve a maximum social, physical, psychological and emotional potential, state of life and self-reliance.
  • Recognition of their needs:An individual with mental illness their age, gender, religious, communication and those who need special attention like hearing, visual or speech impairment must be recognized and be recorded.
  • Persons from linguistically and culturally diverse Backgrounds:A person from a unique culture and a linguistically background must be identified and considered. The person must be given services that have regard to their cultural, religious and spiritual beliefs and practices. Also, communication between the individual and the attendant should include a translator.
  • Partispation in mainatnance of supportive relation and community : the importance of a person to frequent aid in maintaining existing supportive relationship and community life should be noted down and recorded for future purposes example by providing treatment in the person's community.
  • Importance of reduction of stigma and recovery-oriented services:Importance of reduction of stigma and recovery-oriented services associated with mental illness person must be noted down.
  • Provision of treatment and care:treatment and care should only be provided to those who are mentally challenged and if only it is appropriate for improving the individual's wellbeing and maintaining the person's health.
  • Privacy and confidentiality:The person’s confidentiality and privacy of information should be recognised and taken into count.
Application to aperson with intellectual disability.

This applies to persons with intellectual disability. In relation to principles for individuals with mental issues if a person with mental health issue were referenced to a person who has intellectual ability a reference in the Act to recovery of a person means a reference to the development of living skills, and rehabilitation, of the person. (mental health ,2016)

Principles for victims and others.

This principles include the following: the psychological, emotional and physical harm caused by the act agiainst the mental health legislation are to be recognized for compassion. When the act is recognised the affected individual should be advised and counselled on the harm caused by the act if there is positive recovery it should be recognised and recorded. Also, the gains to the victim of being advised in a timely way of progress  under this Act against a person about the unlawful act must be recognised. Any well -being of the victim of being advised in a convenient way of a decision to allow a person to be attended to in the community must be recognised.

Regard to principles.

In conducting a function or exercising a power under this Act, such person is to consider the principles discussed in principle or policy for martyrs and others and Principles for individuals with mental illness.

Different forms of mental illness.

Anxiety disorders

Individuals with anxiety disorder respond to a given situation or lack of courage to face others, and as well with physical sign or nervousness, such as sweating and heart beats faster than the normal rate. Anxiety is recognized if an individual response negatively to a situation. If an individual did not respond as expected, could not constrain the response or normal functioning of an individual is interfered by the anxiety. In addition, these disorder includes generalized dysfunction of anxiety,  social anxiety disorder, panic dysfunction, and definite phobias. (Cold et al., 2017)

Nature of Anxiety disorders.

According to (Succeedsocially.com, 2017). Along with anger and sadness, anxiety fear and stress is one of the three main feelings that can cause a lot of predicaments when it gets out of hand. Many persons who have strife in social situations struggle with it to one degree or another. It's a part/face of shyness, and (definitely/as one would expect) it's the main ingredient in social fear and stress.

It's easy to describe fear and stress quickly. It causes physical, mental, and behavioural signs of sickness. Physically someone may get a fast heartbeat, become shaky, start sweating, feel vomity, or develop a dry mouth. (related to the mind and brain) They may feel afraid/scary, worried, and distracted. Behaviorally the feeling of love, hate, guilt, etc. makes people want to escape from whatever it is that's making them feel that way they feel. They may also make a mistake over their wordsbut anyone who's lived with fear and stress knows there's a lot more detail to it than that.

Symptoms of anxiety disorders

Generalized symptoms of anxiety disorders include: constant/not going away worrying or something that you constantly think about/constantly thinking about something about middling concerns is proportional forbidden to the effect of the occurence, forget  worries , restless, and feeling excited or nervous, Difficulty (mainly studying), or blacking out, lack of courage that leads to fear of making their own decisions and, doubt or inability to mke their own decisions.

Signs and symptoms that are physical include: Tiredness, short tempered, Muscle tension or muscle hurts, shaking (with fear or emotion), feeling nervous, being easily surprised, Sweating,Trouble sleeping, Headaches and  choler  bowel disease ,Nausea, sometimes distress doesn't completely engross you, but you still nervous/eager proceeds even when obvious reason aren’t there. For example, worrines and fear of  your safety or that of your loved ones, or you may have a universal sense bad thing is about to happen. 1 S2WEDJ.when age and time changes worries changes too(Mayoclinic.org, 2017).

Psychotic disorder

Is seen as a damaged/weakened relationship with reality. And it is a sign (of sickness) of serious mental illnesses/problems. People who are seriously mentally ill person may have either hallucination  or false beliefs(delusion).The person experiencing serious mental disorder may also have thoughts that are opposite to actual event(s) or object(s) that prove something(Healthline, 2017). These ideas are known as false beliefs. Some people with (serious mental disorder) may also experience loss of (desire to do something/reason for doing something) and social withdrawal.

The Nature of Psychosis disorders.

Every individual has different views on what makes sense to one person may be to the other person is nonsense. Psychosis and Psychopathy are not the same despite the resemblance in the name, being a psychotic(Mentalhelp.net, 2017). Psychopaths usual/ commonly and regular/ healthy individuals from a thinking-related way of seeing things who for various reasons have a terrible deeply caring, understanding feelings shortage relating to/connected to other groups. Unless, cannot comprehend that other people have life to live, feeling and rights like them they only think that he or she is the only important being in the world.

Symptoms of Psychosis disorders.

The symptoms of psychosis includes the following: lack of concentration, depression, over or less sleeping , fear and stress-related,  dubiousness, withdrawal from family and friends, false beliefs, illusions,  unorganized speech, such as weird swiching of topics , fear and stress, and suicidal thoughts or actions.

Other types of mental insernity include Mood and  Eating disorder, Impulse control and addiction, Personality, Obsessive-compulsive and Post-traumatic stress.

Nature of negative images of mental illness.

Prejudice toward mental illness

  • Fear and exclusion: Most individuals with mental illness are be feared and forsaken from communities. This prejudice connected to an approval of the dangerousness of stereotype. However individual might avoid and fear people with mental illness.
  • Authoritarianism: Mentally challenged individuals are impetuous, and we should make decision for them. This is close correlates to an endorsement of the incompetence stereotype. This same prejudice can be practiced to different decisions people with mental health issues could make, like decisions to use their personal finances, taking their medication, or about raising their kids. In these instances, Authoritarianism prejudice implies that people with mental health issues should not be empowered to make their decisions.
  • Benevolence: An individual with mental health issues are like children. This prejudicial perspective is associated with the ineptitude stereotype that causes lack of faith for improvement. This prejudice seems to be covered with pity and sympathy. As the term benevolence signifies, it is not an evil and cruel point of view, but individuals who hold on to it discriminate those that are mentally challenged, This is an occurrence of pre-decided wrong opinions  with a beam.

 Stereotypical images and prejudiced language in the media and society.

Stereotyping and Prejudice are biases that work together to create and maintain social disparity. Prejudice is offered to attitude whether positive or negative, whether conscious or nonconscious to an individual or a group while stereotype has traditionally been defined as particular beliefs about a group or an individual, such as how they behave, descriptions of what members of a particular group look like, or their abilities. So, prejudiced mental pictures are thinking-related representations of how members of a group are just like one another and different from other group members.

Importantly, people can be aware of narrow-minded views of what people should be like based on their race, religion, appearance, and have thinking-related representations of those beliefs without personally supporting or recommending such prejudiced mental pictures, without feelings of unfair, pre-decided bad opinions, and without knowing about something that such prejudiced mental pictures could affect one's judgment and behavior. Stereotyping and Prejudice usually believed produce able change and got the better clarification of complex world so that individuals can give or reserve more thinking-related useful things or valuable supplies to other tasks. However, even though there is the existence of any in a thinking-related way able to change and get better purpose, they may assist, using same mental shortcuts when making other peoples decision can have serious negative results or consequences. Most of the individual try to avoid people that are mentally challenged because they are scared of them.     

Policy issues involved in working with people with mental illness.

This is a course or principle of action that should be approached while working with people with mental illness. These policies were introduced to accommodate and guide supervisors and manager take steps to ensure employees with a mental disability are offered proper services when necessary, and these are; Factors that worsen or trigger mental insanity should be depreciated. Employees who ex-experience mental disability are allowed to have their demands provided so that they can do best in work and with ease, using a case, and case approach, All requests for their aid will be personally assessed. The environment for the workplace should be comfortable for the feel safe and accept themselves  so that they can be supported and given better treatment. Mental insanity is comprehended and received without stigma and descriminationas well they should be trained on the data  about mental insanity. Discrimination against mental disorder is prevented.

This policy gives support, to all of its employees through positive management and peer-to-peer applications concerning mental health and these include: encouraging and starting/working at daily practices that promote mental health and quick recovery; Identify work pressure that may cause a high level of stress and that affect the mental health negatively and develop a strategy to approach and solve them. Avoiding discrimination and stigma by engaging in real practices and behavior, Educating all the worker to allow them to identify or recognize the sign of mental malady and respond courteously and responsibly and motivate all employees to take positive steps to safeguard their mental conditions.


Mental insanity is a disorder designated by person's disturbance in person's emotions thoughts and habits. Mental insanity refers to a wide variety of sickness or, differing from those that cause lenient worry and depression to those that damage/weaken a person's ability to function in daily life. These people should be treated with love and care, and these may lead to their quick recovery. It should be noted that any negative practices or behavior that triggers mental illness should be avoided and if affected they should develop a strategy to approach and solve them individually, people should try to prevent discrimination and stigma by engaging in positive practices and moral code. Introduction of mental health act has reduced discrimination to  the mentally challenge and treat as one.


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Cold, F., Health, E., Disease, H., Management, P., Conditions, S., Problems, S., Disorders, S., Checker, S., Interviews, E., Boards, M., Guide, I., Doctor, F., Medications, M., Identifier, P., Interactions, C., Drugs, C., Pregnant, T., Management, D., Obesity, W., Recipes, F., Exercise, F., Beauty, H., Balance, H., Relationships, S., Care, O., Health, W., Health, M., Well, A., Teens, H., Kids, F., Pregnant, G., Trimester, F., Trimester, S., Trimester, T., Baby, N., Health, C., Vaccines, C., Kids, R., Cats, H., Dogs, H., Attack, F., Pesticides, '., Longevity?, I., Change, M., Attack, V., Boards, M., Blogs, E., Center, N. and Health, M. (2017). Types of Mental Illness. [online] WebMD. Available at: https://www.webmd.com/mental-health/mental-health-types-illness#1 [Accessed 24 Mar. 2017].

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