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MGMT20140 Innovation and Design Mindset

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Your poster needs to be understood at a glance, i.e. it needs to be clear and concise and present the most important information in an accessible and visually appealing manner. It is a good idea to write an abstract (in sentence or bullet point format),which includes all the main points your poster needs to cover. Do not overcomplicate
things and make sure you stick with the topic.

The poster has to convey the message, so consider also whether you can use nonverbal means (e.g. font, graphics, pictures, etc.) to do so. Your poster will certainly contain some text. This can be sentences or bullet points or
a combination of both. The amount of text required will depend upon what you want to convey – if large amounts of text are needed, consider using Serif fonts (e.g. Times New Roman) as they tend to increase readability of long texts.
2. The title and section headers
a. The title of the poster will (most likely) be the most eye-catching part of your poster and it will be one of the ‘hooks’ that draws people towards your poster.Make sure it is succinct, catchy, clear and visible (this may mean it needs to
be large and/or colourful).

As a rule of thumb, the title should be at least 5 times bigger than the body font. Be conscious of the fact that some fonts are easier to read than others Sans Serif fonts like Arial or Verdana are usually easiest to read as titles. b. Section headers are also important. Make sure they are also catchy and concise and use them to guide the viewer thru the poster.


Innovation and  design mindset

It has been evaluated that design mindset helps to attain the competencies and innovation keeps ahead from the competitor(Suciu & Baughn, 2016).

Importance of design mindset

It helps to evaluate the mind set of the people. Through this it can be easy to design the products (Sirkin, Mok, Yang, Maheshwari & Ju, 2016).

Example of design mindset

IKEA considered various techniques that helps to achieve success (Brown, et al., 2016).

Design mindset

It is related with the way of thinking that assist in solving problems in innovative ways (Cahyadi & Prananto, 2015).

Advantages to innovators and entrepreneurs

Design mindset helps to consider proper innovation ideas and assist in assessing customer wants (Garrette Phelps & Sibony,2018). Also, it has been evaluated that companies need to focus on collaboration so that creative solution to the issues can be considered.


  • Brown, B., Bleecker, J., D'Adamo, M., Ferreira, P., Formo, J., Glöss, M., ... & Karlsson, A. (2016,November). The IKEA Catalogue: Design fiction in academic and industrial collaborations. In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Supporting Group Work(pp. 335-344). ACM
  • Suciu, C., & Baughn, C. (2016, September). Design Thinking and Organizational Change: Developing a Human-Centered Culture. In European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship(p. 787). Academic Conferences International Limited.
  • Cahyadi, A., & Prananto, A. (2015). Reflecting design thinking: A case study of the process of designing dashboards. Journal of Systems and Information Technology, 17(3), 286-306.
  • Sirkin, D., Mok, B., Yang, S., Maheshwari, R., & Ju, W. (2016). Improving design thinking through collaborative improvisation. In Design Thinking Research(pp. 93-108). Springer, Cham.
  • Garrette, B., Phelps, C., & Sibony, O. (2018). Structure and Solve the Problem Using Design Thinking. In Cracked it!(pp. 169-195). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
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