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Nsg2Anb : Nursing Assignment : Assessment Answers

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1. Describe the pathophysiology of the presenting complaint in the case study.
2. Evaluation of the nurse's role to deliver developmentally appropriate nursing care in relation to your chosen case study.
• growth and developmental theories,
• family centred care and,

• the effects of hospitalisation of the child, on the child and their family. 



According to the case study, it is said that Jay is an infant and his having pain in his abdomen. Since he is an infant he is not able to express his distress in details. It is a problem alarming situation for Jay's parents as they are not able to discover the problem Jay is having. After admitting to the nursing care the nurse will Carrey out the proper assessment so that the cause of pain can be diagnosed properly. The nurse will analyze the path physiology of the infant and the action plan should be made according to the situation analysis made by the nurse. During providing the nursing care the nurse should maintain the core principles of nursing (Ackley & Ackley-Ladwig-Swan-Tucker, 2008). The steps which should be followed by the nurse to provide good care for nursing are proper assessment than a diagnosis of the patient according to the assessment. Subsequently after the diagnosis proper nursing care should be implemented on jay for his steady recovery.

Description of the pathophysiology 

The pathos physiological condition of the Jay according to the case study should be analyzed in a proper way so that the assessment can be done. The background of Jay should be properly noted by his mother so that the nurse has a clear idea of the pathological and physiological condition of the patient. It is seen that the infant Jay has physiological pain radiating from the abdomen. This implicates that the there might problem in the digestive system or the intestinal system (BIERING, 2009). The Intestinal system is a delicate system. The stool of Jay has not been clear also. This implies that the Infant has some problems in the large intestine.

Several problems occur in the large intestine and in the digestive system considering the other pathophysiological parameters the nurse has to conclude whether it is the problem of the digestive system or the gastrointestinal system.  According to the case study, jay is frequently kicking his leg so it implies that he is going through immense pain. The reason of pain might be appendicitis or the problem in the large intestine. The gastrointestinal problem consists of the symptoms like diarrhea and fever. In the case of Jay, he has shown the symptoms of vomiting. Vomiting causes a problem of fluid loss. This fluid loss creates a fluid imbalance in the body (Carpenito-Moyet & Carpenito, 2012).

According to the mother of Jay, he has eaten the negligible amount of food which is not at all good for the physiological state of the infant. As it is known that the infants require a good amount of food to maintain their physiological process as they have very high basal metabolic rates. This parameter should be checked by the nurse because it is a very important physiological parameter. The fluid monitoring and giving proper medication are also necessary after the diagnosis of Jay. It is essential to perform pathological assessment also to derive a proper diagnosis for the infant. It is suspected that the vaccine of rotavirus might have some role in this path physiological disorder of Jay (Buttigieg, Rathert & Eiff, 2015).

Sometimes the holistic path physiological condition is monitored to find out the reason for the problem. The overall monitoring is important for example in the case of Jay he has shown spasmodic pain in his abdomen. This implicates that some pathological problem is there in the abdomen region. The constipation of the child is also another symptom from which the problem can be assessed. Constipation Implicates there are some problems in the intestine insusceptibility is a pathological problem which can be dealt by using enema after the fluid balance has been restored in the patient (Ghatak, Gulati & Agarwal, 2015).

Evaluation of nurse’s role

Growth and developmental theories

The growth and development of the process are considered to be important for the assessment of the patient. Assessment is the first step in nursing which should be done properly by the nurse. The whole process of the nursing care depends on the proper assessment of the patient. According to the case study the background information of the child named Jay is taken from his mother it is implicated that the information is needed for the proper assessment of the child. The Assessment of the Child must be executed by using the following process which is given below.

Primary assessment should be conducted on the physiological and the pathological parameters of the child.

Airway-   Nose, mouth, and ear should be checked properly to see if there are any symptoms by which diagnosis of the disease can be done (Haugen & Musser, 2012).

Breathing- The rate of respiration should be assessed by the nurse. It will help the nurse to understand if Jay requires extra oxygen support for the proper breathing.

Fluids: The body fluid Assessment is one of the major parameters which needs to be assessed encase of Jay. Since Jay has vomited and is not eating an adequate amount of food the fluid monitoring is one of the essential things that should be done by the nurse. This assessment will enable the nurse to properly diagnose and implement the nursing care according to the situation analysis (Holcomb, 2008).

Exposure Assessment- This is another important assessment which should be done by the nurse. In this assessment, it is checked that the infant is exposed to which condition in the recent past which might have caused this kind of problem. In the case of Jay, it is found out that he was exposed to Rotavirus. During assessment it has been implicated there might be contamination from the Rotavirus and it can cause the gastrointestinal disorder in Jay. This is the main assessment the nurse need to perform in the case to give a proper nursing care to the infant jay (Chilingerian et al., 2009).

Family centred care

The members of the family play the crucial role in managing the infant in this case. Jay needs proper guidance and treatment during his stay in the hospital. Apart from the doctor's advice and the guidelines the family members needs to take more initiative to the infant patient. The family members need to take more attention to Jay so that he can recover as early as possible. The suffering from intussusceptions is very important to solve it out. In this case, the four months old child has been suffering from this problem. Any examination, in this case, needs to perform seriously.  

Effect of hospitalization on the child

The nurse should be prepared in managing their role. If they need to do the ultrasound scan, they may do it seriously. If need be, the nurse should inject the kid. This process needs the doctor's advice. Apart from that, they need to monitor the child 24*7 (Miller, 2011). As these functions require a lot of attention and seriousness. They should perform the normal abdominal x-ray properly. They need to do the job carefully. As the function takes lots of time and the patients. But the process like an air enema, the nurse needs to take extra attention to the case. Apart from the function of the nurse, they need to improve day by day. To making recover of any infant patient, is not the easy task for the nurse. Apart from the advice of the doctor, the nurse should maintain their patience. The success of the recovering the disease partly depends on the patience of the nurse so they need to maintain their patience. In addition, the nurse must improve the efficiency of their actions against the infant as well as the elders. The nurse must improve the daily efficiency of their functions and the knowledge so that they become eligible to solve the crucial matter early (Parks, 2009).

The diagnosis of the symptoms needs to be detected as fast as possible. The first symptoms were vomiting and decreasing of feeding the foods and the kid is suffering from the spasmodic abdominal pains frequently. It is seen by the family members of Jay that when he is feeling the pain, he raises his legs up. During the pain, he looks more irritated. Through the normal abdominal x-ray, the intussusceptions have been caught by the doctor. The instruction of the doctor, in this case, is very crucial to follow. Apart from the x-ray, they needed to take an ultrasound scan (Hunnicutt, 2010). This examination is needed when the doctor is not sure about the exact reason behind the case. Through this process, the doctor is able to find out the other pathology. Another process of the intussusceptions is the examination of air enema.

After catching the main reason behind the intussusceptions, the nurse should act as the most important follower in this case. They need to secure access to IV for Jay who is supposed to suffering from the intussusceptions. The patient like jay may require the fluid resuscitation comprising of the 20mls/kg normal saline of IV boluses (Sze, 2013). He should be given sufficient analgesia. In this case, they need to consider the importance of the IV antibiotics before giving the air enema. This process needs to consult with the doctor. Without the instruction of the doctor, this process should not be performed (Kumar Mallick, 2012).


The mentioned disease needs to be identified by the doctor carefully. So the nurse needs to maintain the proper guidelines for this little kid. As the patient is a kid, so they need to maintain the balance between the patient and his family. As the four months old kid is suffering from such a problem, so the nurse needs to become more careful about the kid. They need to follow the guidelines of the doctor. Whatever training they have achieved so far during their nursing career, they should implement it during the treatment of this patient (Ramont, Niedringhaus & Towle, 2012). The patient needs most of the nurse in the hospital. They should provide proper medicine to Jay. If they need any matter which is related to Jay's treatment urgent, they must arrange and give the proper satisfaction of the kid like Jay. If every instruction of the doctor is followed by the nurse, then Jay’s health problem will soon be solved.


Ackley, B., & Ackley-Ladwig-Swan-Tucker (2008). Evidence-based nursing care guidelines. St. Louis: Mosby, Elsevier.

BIERING, A. (2009). Abdominal Pains in Angioneurotic Edema. Acta Medica Scandinavica, 153(5), 373-382. doi: 10.1111/j.0954-6820.1955.tb18240.x

Buttigieg, S., Rathert, C., & Eiff, W. (2015). International best practices in health care management. Bingley, U.K.: Emerald.

Carpenito-Moyet, L., & Carpenito, L. (2012). Nursing Care Plans & Documentation. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer Health.

Chilingerian, J., Blair, J., Fottler, M., Powell, M., Savage, G., & Savage, G. (2009). International health care management. Bradford (England): Emerald Group Publishing Limited.

Ghatak, S., Gulati, S., & Agarwal, M. (2015). Gastrocele: a rare cause of pain abdomen after colonic bypass for corrosive stricture esophagus. Diseases Of The Esophagus, 29(8), 1162-1163. doi: 10.1111/dote.12366

Haugen, D., & Musser, S. (2012). Health care. Farmington Hills, MI: Greenhaven Press.

Holcomb, S. (2008). Acute abdomen. Nursing, 38(9), 34-40. doi: 10.1097/01.nurse.0000334644.51961.47

Hunnicutt, S. (2010). Universal health care. Detroit: Greenhaven Press.

Kumar Mallick, D. (2012). Indigenous Management of Pain Abdomen- Abdominal Wall Strangulation. IOSR Journal Of Pharmacy (IOSRPHR), 2(4), 21-22. doi: 10.9790/3013-24102122

Miller, D. (2011). Health care. Detroit, Mich.: Lucent Books.

Parks, P. (2009). Health care. San Diego, CA: ReferencePoint Press.

Ramont, R., Niedringhaus, D., & Towle, M. (2012). Comprehensive nursing care. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson.

Sze, S. (2013). The Unconsidered Differential Diagnosis of Recurrent Acute Abdomen. Cambridge Medicine Journal, (55). doi: 10.7244/cmj-1379800800-1

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