A Comprehensive Guide to 100+ Fashion Dissertation Ideas [2023]


Fashion, a dynamic and ever-evolving industry, offers a vast array of opportunities for research and exploration. Whether you’re pursuing a degree in fashion design, merchandising, marketing, or management, your dissertation is a chance to delve into a topic that aligns with your interests and contributes to the broader discourse in the field. In this blog, we present over 100 fashion dissertation topics and ideas for 2023, covering various aspects of this multifaceted industry.

Fashion Design Dissertation Topics:

  1. The Evolution of Sustainable Fashion Design: Materials and Techniques.
  2. Cross-Cultural Influences in Contemporary Fashion Design.
  3. The Impact of Technology on Fashion Design: 3D Printing and Beyond.
  4. Fashion Design and Social Responsibility: Exploring Ethical Practices.
  5. The Influence of Art Movements on Fashion Design in the 21st Century.

Fashion Marketing and Merchandising Dissertation Topics:

  1. The Role of Social Media in Shaping Fashion Trends and Consumer Behavior.
  2. Consumer Perception of Luxury Fashion Brands: A Comparative Analysis.
  3. The Effectiveness of Influencer Marketing in the Fashion Industry.
  4. Fast Fashion vs. Slow Fashion: Consumer Preferences and Environmental Impact.
  5. Sustainable Fashion Retailing: Strategies and Challenges.

Fashion Business and Management Dissertation Topics:

  1. Fashion Entrepreneurship: Success Factors and Challenges.
  2. The Impact of Globalization on Fashion Business Strategies.
  3. Inventory Management in the Fashion Industry: Balancing Supply and Demand.
  4. The Role of Data Analytics in Fashion Business Decision-Making.
  5. Fashion Retailing in the Digital Age: E-Commerce and Omni-Channel Strategies.

Fashion and Sustainability Dissertation Topics:

  1. Circular Fashion: Redefining the Fashion Industry’s Production and Consumption.
  2. Eco-Friendly Textiles: Innovations and Challenges in Sustainable Fashion.
  3. The Role of Upcycling in Reducing Fashion Waste.
  4. Consumer Awareness and Adoption of Sustainable Fashion Practices.
  5. Assessing the Carbon Footprint of Fashion Events: Runway Shows and Exhibitions.

Cultural and Historical Perspectives in Fashion Dissertation Topics:

  1. Cultural Appropriation in Fashion: Navigating Sensitivity and Creativity.
  2. The Influence of Subcultures on Mainstream Fashion Trends.
  3. Historical Evolution of Fashion: A Comparative Study of Decades.
  4. Traditional Textiles in Contemporary Fashion: Preservation and Innovation.
  5. The Impact of Political Movements on Fashion: Expression and Resistance.

Fashion and Technology Dissertation Topics:

  1. Augmented Reality in Fashion Retail: Enhancing the Consumer Experience.
  2. Smart Fabrics and Wearable Technology: Integrating Functionality and Style.
  3. Blockchain Technology in Fashion: Enhancing Transparency and Traceability.
  4. Artificial Intelligence in Fashion Forecasting: Opportunities and Challenges.
  5. 3D Virtual Fitting Rooms: Revolutionizing the Online Shopping Experience.

Fashion Psychology and Consumer Behavior Dissertation Topics:

  1. The Psychology of Color in Fashion: Influences on Consumer Perception.
  2. Body Image and Fashion: The Role of Media and Advertising.
  3. Impulse Buying Behavior in Fast Fashion: A Comprehensive Analysis.
  4. Fashion Influences on Self-Identity and Personal Expression.
  5. Consumer Loyalty in the Fast Fashion Era: A Longitudinal Study.

Fashion and Gender Studies Dissertation Topics:

  1. Breaking Gender Norms in Fashion: Unisex and Gender-Neutral Clothing.
  2. The Role of Fashion in Challenging Stereotypes: A Feminist Perspective.
  3. Gendered Marketing in the Fashion Industry: Implications and Ethics.
  4. The Influence of LGBTQ+ Communities on Fashion Trends.
  5. Empowerment Through Fashion: Redefining Masculinity and Femininity.

Fashion Journalism and Media Dissertation Topics:

  1. The Evolution of Fashion Journalism in the Digital Age.
  2. Influencer Culture: Impact on Fashion Reporting and Critique.
  3. Fashion Photography as Art: Aesthetic Trends and Innovations.
  4. Ethical Considerations in Fashion Reporting: Navigating Bias and Authenticity.
  5. The Role of Fashion Magazines in Shaping Industry Narratives.

Fashion and Globalization Dissertation Topics:

  1. Cultural Diversity in Fashion Advertising: Challenges and Opportunities.
  2. The Globalization of Fashion Trends: Homogenization or Cultural Exchange?
  3. Transnational Fashion Retailing: Strategies and Adaptations.
  4. Global Fashion Events: Cultural Celebrations or Commercial Ventures?
  5. Fashion Diplomacy: The Soft Power of Style in International Relations.

Fashion and Social Media Dissertation Topics:

  1. Instagram Fashion: A Visual Culture of Influence and Aspiration.
  2. TikTok and the Evolution of Short-Form Fashion Content.
  3. Social Media Activism in the Fashion Industry: Impact and Critique.
  4. The Rise of Virtual Fashion Shows: Navigating the Digital Runway.
  5. Ethical Influencers: Social Responsibility in the Age of Social Media.

Fashion Retail and Consumer Experience Dissertation Topics:

  1. Pop-Up Stores in Fashion Retail: Strategies and Success Factors.
  2. Creating Immersive Retail Environments: The Future of Brick-and-Mortar.
  3. Personalization in Fashion Retail: Customization and Consumer Engagement.
  4. Fashion Subscription Models: Trends, Challenges, and Future Prospects.
  5. Exploring the Role of AI-Powered Chatbots in Fashion Customer Service.

Fashion and the Environment Dissertation Topics:

  1. Water Consumption in Textile Production: Sustainable Practices in Fashion.
  2. The Impact of Pesticides in Cotton Farming on Sustainable Fashion.
  3. Vegan Fashion: Cruelty-Free Alternatives in the Industry.
  4. Fashion and Biodiversity: Assessing the Environmental Footprint.
  5. Fashion Industry Waste Management: From Production to Consumption.

Future Trends and Innovations in Fashion Dissertation Topics:

  1. The Role of Bio-Fabrication in the Future of Fashion.
  2. Fashion in Space: The Intersection of Style and Astronaut Apparel.
  3. The Rise of Virtual Influencers: Implications for the Fashion Industry.
  4. Sustainable Fashion Tech Innovations: Materials and Processes.
  5. AI-Designed Fashion Collections: Creativity and Automation.

Celebrity Influence on Fashion Dissertation Topics:

  1. The Impact of Celebrity Fashion Lines on Consumer Purchasing Behavior.
  2. Red Carpet Fashion: Celebrity Endorsements and Designer Collaborations.
  3. Social Media and Celebrity Fashion: A Symbiotic Relationship.
  4. The Influence of Celebrity Stylists on Fashion Trends.
  5. Celebrity Fashion Icons: Shaping Cultural Perceptions of Style.

Fashion and Mental Health Dissertation Topics:

  1. The Relationship Between Fast Fashion Consumption and Mental Well-Being.
  2. The Therapeutic Role of Fashion: Clothing as Self-Expression and Comfort.
  3. Fashion and Body Positivity: Promoting Inclusivity in the Industry.
  4. The Impact of Fashion Industry Pressures on Models’ Mental Health.
  5. Fashion as a Coping Mechanism: Exploring the Psychological Benefits.

Fashion and Education Dissertation Topics:

  1. Integrating Sustainable Fashion Practices into Fashion Design Curricula.
  2. Online Learning in Fashion Education: Opportunities and Challenges.
  3. The Role of Fashion Schools in Nurturing Creativity and Innovation.
  4. Fashion Education for Social Responsibility: Teaching Ethical Practices.
  5. Industry-Academia Collaboration in Fashion: Bridging the Gap.

Dissertation Research Methodologies in Fashion:

  1. Qualitative Methods in Fashion Research: Case Studies and Interviews.
  2. The Use of Big Data Analytics in Fashion Research


  1. Exploring Trend Forecasting in the Fashion Industry: Quantitative Approaches.
  2. Mixed-Methods Research in Fashion: Bridging Qualitative and Quantitative Data.
  3. Survey Research in Assessing Consumer Preferences in Fashion.

Selecting a dissertation topic in fashion is an exciting opportunity to contribute to the industry’s discourse while pursuing your academic goals. The extensive list of over 100 fashion dissertation topics and ideas presented here covers a wide range of areas within the field, allowing you to explore your passion and make a meaningful impact. Whether you’re interested in design, marketing, sustainability, or technology, there’s a topic that resonates with your academic and professional aspirations.

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