How to Reference a Blog in Harvard Style


In the age of digital information, blogs have become valuable sources of knowledge and insights. Whether you are a student, researcher, or writer, it’s essential to master the art of referencing blogs in your academic or professional work. This quick guide aims to demystify the process of referencing blogs using the Harvard style, a widely adopted citation system known for its simplicity and clarity.

Why Referencing Blogs Matters:

Referencing is not just a formality; it’s a crucial aspect of academic and professional writing that acknowledges the intellectual property of others and allows readers to trace your sources. When it comes to blogs, proper referencing lends credibility to your work and ensures that the original creators receive due credit.

Harvard Referencing Style – Basics:

Before delving into referencing blogs specifically, let’s go over the basics of the Harvard referencing style.

  1. In-Text Citations:
  • In the Harvard style, in-text citations include the author’s last name and the year of publication, enclosed in parentheses.
  • For example: (Smith, 2020).
  1. Reference List:
  • The reference list is an alphabetical list of all the sources cited in your work.
  • Each entry in the reference list includes the author’s name, publication year, title of the work, and additional publication information.

Now, let’s explore how to reference a blog using the Harvard style.

Referencing a Blog Post:

When referencing a blog post, the following elements should be included in your citation:

  1. Author(s):
  • Start with the last name followed by the initials of the author(s).
  • For example: Smith, J.
  1. Year of Publication:
  • Place the publication year in parentheses.
  • For example: (2020).
  1. Title of the Blog Post:
  • The title should be in sentence case (only the first word and proper nouns capitalized).
  • For example: A Journey into Sustainable Living.
  1. Name of the Blog:
  • Italicize the name of the blog.
  • For example: EcoInsights.
  1. URL:
  • Provide the full URL of the blog post.
  • For example:

Harvard Style Reference Format for a Blog Post:

Putting it all together, the reference format for a blog post in Harvard style is as follows:

Author(s). (Year of Publication). Title of the Blog Post. Name of the Blog. Available at: URL (Accessed: Day Month Year).


Smith, J. (2020). A Journey into Sustainable Living. EcoInsights. Available at: (Accessed: 15 November 2023).

Tips for Referencing Blogs in Harvard Style:

  1. Include the Author’s Full Name:
  • If the blog post has multiple authors, include the full names of all authors in the same order as they appear on the blog.
  1. Date of Access:
  • Include the date you accessed the blog post. Blogs are dynamic, and content can change, so providing the access date ensures the accuracy of your citation.
  1. Use the Permanent Link:
  • If possible, use a permalink or a permanent link to the specific blog post rather than a general link to the blog’s homepage. This helps readers locate the exact content you are referencing.
  1. Italicize the Blog Name:
  • Italicize the name of the blog to distinguish it from the title of the blog post.

Example of Referencing a Blog with Multiple Authors:

Suppose a blog post titled “Exploring Urban Gardening” on the blog GreenLiving Insights has three authors: Emily Turner, Mark Davis, and Sarah Johnson. The publication year is 2021, and you accessed the blog post on November 20, 2023.

The Harvard style reference would be:

Turner, E., Davis, M., and Johnson, S. (2021). Exploring Urban Gardening. GreenLiving Insights. Available at: (Accessed: 20 November 2023).

Referencing blogs in Harvard style might seem like a minor detail, but it is a crucial aspect of maintaining academic and professional integrity. As the digital landscape continues to evolve, the ability to accurately and consistently reference online sources becomes increasingly important.

By following the guidelines outlined in this quick guide, you can ensure that your references are clear, accurate, and in line with the conventions of the Harvard referencing style. So, the next time you weave insights from the blogosphere into your work, remember the simple yet impactful steps to reference blogs with finesse.

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