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BSBSUS501 Assessment TASK 1

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Develop Workplace Policy and Procedures for Sustainability

Assessment TASK 1

  1. What is the purpose of a workplace sustainability policy and what does it entail?

Brundtland Report of 1987 adopted by United Nations conference in 1992 defined sustainable programs and policies as the initiatives that meet current needs minus compromising future generations’ ability to realize their necessities (UN, 2017). The main purpose of workplace sustainability policy in place was to ensure the company operates its business with consideration of environmental law, assess and implement actions assist in preserving the environments. Meanwhile, company also need to provide employees with appropriate training and information, ensuring all employees committed to the causes. Furthermore, a company should extent its efforts in serving environment’s well-being to its subcontractors, requesting subcontractors to contribute in minimising the impact on environmental problems (Brunoro, Bolis, & Sznelwar, 2016).

  1. Outline three (3) environmental or sustainability legislation, regulations and codes of practice applicable to an organization of your choice. Identify internal and external sources of information and explain how they can be used to plan and develop the organization’s sustainability policy..

The Paris Agreement, through the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act 2007 (NGER Act) of Australia affects Woolworths, in Section 3, required Woolworths to commit to dissemination and reporting of data associated with gas (greenhouse) emissions, projects, consumption and production of energy by the company. Thus, the commitment to an immediate target of reducing carbon emissions at Woolworths to a 10 % below the levels set in 2015 (Woolworths, 2017).

The 1999 national Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act of Australia cover approval of process and assessment of national cultural and environmental concerns. The law is overseen by Department of the Environment. This law, under Section 3, Woolworths had obligation to endorse naturally sustainable progress through ecological and conservation sustainable usage of the natural assets. It also requires the company to conserve biodiversity (Aus.gov, 2017).

The 1997 Environment Protection Act of Australia is the Act that provides for environment safeguard, and such associated purposes. In Section 3C of the Environment Protection Act1997, Woolworths is required to avoid degradation of environmental and risking harm to the human wellbeing by upholding: prevention of pollution; clean technology for production; materials’ recycling and reuse; initiate programs on waste minimization; and achieve actual incorporation of economic, social and environmental concerns in their processes of decision-making (Aus.gov, 2017).

External and Internal sources of information and how they can be used to plan and develop a sustainability policy for an organisation


Other environmental documentation like Work Safety and Health Policy, Policy on Infection Control and Procedure on Waste Management are useful in planning and developing the sustainability policy. The employees offer on-ground experiences while the shareholders offer historical perspectives and culture of the company (Schulte et al., 2015). Two-way conversations intended sustainability policy with company suppliers offers current preliminary place and help identify environmental or social performance regions that the company requires the suppliers to mend (Marcus, MacDonald, & Sulsky, 2015).


Policy and Legislative authorities outline government legislation and policies that are relevant for suppliers, products and materials selection. The Government of Australian has put in place targets and measures for organizations to advance management of waste and recovery of resource (OSHA, 2017). These include:

Strategy Authority




e-waste recycled or reused



ICT packing recycled (target applicable to every year forward)



  1. What is an environmental management system (EMS)?

An EMS (Environmental Management System) is the series of practices and processes that allow the company reduce their environmental bearings and advance their operating competence (Johnson, 2016). It is a structure that aids a firm in achieving its ecological objectives through constant review, improvement, and evaluation of its conservational performance (Blackburn, 2015).

  1. Provide an example of a typical procedure to review the implementation of workplace sustainability policy in an organisation.

For continual, and/or gradual improvement, results are best viewed when documented, visually presented, in form of graphs. In this graphing process of data, the benchmark must be indicated for everybody to realise how far the company on going (Young et al., 2015). This shall motivate individuals to carry on trying and challenge them. Make the reports and documents as constructive as conceivable, Applaud and offer feedback to every achievement the company or part of it has (Holden, Linnerud, & Banister, 2014).

  1. Outline typical barriers to implementing policies and procedures in an organisation and possible strategies to address them.

Without phase-to-phase planning, any policies in the company are likely to fail or even cause additional complications than profits (BioCycle, 2016). The company needs to appreciate exactly what modifications will occur and ways such changes shall be implemented. Inadequate communication with every employee invites fear and rumours into place of work, especially if the company faces serious changes. Workers need to be aware of what is happening, whether negative or positive (Schuler et al., 2017). The failure to see everybody on board with business changes will see barriers although the practice. All staff on both management and other levels must to understand and be competent to cope with changes short of which the company faces dissension amongst the workers (Blackburn, 2015).


  1. Summaries the main areas of Microsoft’s workplace sustainability policies-ensure that you mention the strategies used by the Microsoft to reduce the environmental impact.

Microsoft’s main areas are water and waste, where they seek responsibility as wardens of aquatic resources, as well as minimize impact of the company’s waste. Climate change is other area Microsoft focuses on by implementing policies that make them carbon impartial since 2012’s June, and are still devoted to growing their energy productivity and use of hydro, solar, and wind power (Microsoft, 2017).

  1. What are the policies of Microsoft that shows sustainability is an important area in business development?

In the 2015 economic year, Microsoft purchased over 3.2 (billion) kilowatt hrs. Of the renewable energy as well as support initiatives encouraging suppliers and utilities to develop renewable energy affordability and access. Since the year 2014, the company has stayed 100 % renewable energy powered. The business has unswervingly purchased over 502 megawatts of solar and wind energy in United States. It works with its suppliers to create environmental strategies and hold them accountable by training, audits, and monitoring programs. Microsoft requires their supplier to trail environmentally accountable performs with deference to products and facilities the suppliers create for the company (Microsoft, 2017).

Microsoft works with its supply chain as well as across the industry to develop responsible undertakings and encourage positive social and environmental outcomes from the practices of sourcing. The company carefully deliberates on what materials are put in their merchandises and work so hard to apply renewable resources besides smart packing (Calero, 2016). It believes in the full revelation of the materials applied in their products while restricting application of poisonous substances in packaging and manufacture of their products. The company looks for methods of increasing energy productivity across their supply chain as well as in facilities of manufacture. Microsoft has dedicated itself to recycling and recovery of their products at end of its lifecycle. They have executed some inside carbon remuneration that places a fee on any carbon (Kranz, 2016). These fees collected are applied in improving energy proficiency, grow renewable energy purchase, and support community ventures that equipoise the carbon besides advancing sustainable advancement across the globe (Milliken et al., 2015). Microsoft invests in initiatives that lessen environmental effect across their international business processes, from the facilities of the company to committing to reprocessing the food leftover (Microsoft, 2017).

  1. How Microsoft is planning to monitor the carbon emissions and environmental condition?

Through placing a charge on the carbon, the company’s international inside carbon payment uses the chargeback tool that places a fee on the carbon, thus making every company’s divisions answerable for any carbon emissions related to their use of electricity and travels by air. This model continues to create an honourable environmental accountability cycle in Microsoft: inspires action, delivers results, raises greater mindfulness, and thus, stirring better action (MicrosoftCE, 2017).

  1. What communication procedure Microsoft did use to reduce environmental impacts?

The Microsoft Unified Communications and green blog allow employees of any company to connect, collaborate, and meet minus physically being in same domicile. Unified Communications assists in reducing expenditures and impact of carbon for both business commuting and travelling, as well as space of office and telephony. The outcomes are affirmative for bottom line and planet. Unified Communications lets geographically spread teams, traveling workers, and telecommuters to collaborate and communicate effectively from anywhere, at any time (Kranz, 2016). The procedure gives the workers flexibility to reach information and people needed on either side of country, town, or world. This Unified Communications incorporates key commercial solutions to communication into a lone easy-to-use interface (Calero, 2016).

  1. List one or two strategies of improving Microsoft’s current sustainability policy could be improved.

I.T (information technology) is an indispensable ingredient of any recipe designed to improve energy efficiency, while at the same time stressing the need for innovation (Valentine, & Godkin, 2016). In communicating the current policy, Microsoft will undoubtedly need to apply some methods of motivational. If not, the policy will likely be received with negativity and skepticism. It is good to recollect, the company is endeavoring to alter established thought and attitudes patterns. Individuals naturally battle such kinds of variations (Kossek, 2016). Educating shareholders the advantages and reasons of new strategy forms part of tools the company can practice to overwhelm skepticism and negativity (Schuler, 2016). As the employees better appreciate the advantages and needs of the sustainability plan, they will likely become part of team (Poveda, & Young, 2015).


Part 1


  • What is the scope of the sustainability policy and procedure?
  • What are the different sources where you can gather information to create the policy and procedures?
  • Who are the key stakeholders?
  • What strategies can be included in the policy and procedure to encourage stakeholders to use the resources efficiently?
  • What are the recommendations for policy and procedure options with respect to effectiveness, timeframe and cost of the implementation of the policy and procedure?
  • Benchmark indicators of industry best practice
  • What are the suitable methods of implementation, including communication procedures?
  • The strategies for monitoring continuous improvement in sustainability practices.

The scope of the policy is converting the large usage of non-renewable energy from the electrical equipment to renewable energy like solar. Regulate usage of the equipment when in and not in in use by notifying the staff to switch off the machines. The policy shall also cover and encourage less printing and advocate for use of cloud services and file sharing. The policy shall also cover the encouraging the staff to drive electric cars or even use company bus or transportation to decrease the fuel emissions at the company.

Sustainable Transformation must embrace strengthening global cooperation and policies with other companies, acknowledging the fact that both are economically and ecologically interdependent (John et al., 2016). Information shall be gathered from lecturers, shareholders, past company documentation on such policies and the State and national government administrations. As a company, SCEI face clear proof of international climate variation and enduring loss of efficient energy. The conduct of company personnel is destroying and wasting a lot of energy and ecosystems like trees through the paper we consume; something not easy to restructure and are so running low of fresh waters. However, we intend as a company to quickly set energy foundations to save the draining and pollution of our offices, air water and land, by sufficiently financing in renewable substitutions and stimulating measures; Imitating key sustainability goals including country and international collaboration.

SCEI’s courtesy to economic social, and environmental responsibility covers laboring within laws to be inventive and establish leadership on issues important to the company and stakeholders. In designing experiences, events executing and evaluating success, the company is capable of choosing every small and big ways the words and actions build the better life quality for clients, employees, suppliers and participants in company events.

According to Roanhorse (2017) stakeholders are the people that are affected by the implementation of sustainability plan. The key stakeholders of the SCEI are management, staff members, and students. While implementing the plan, management need to be able to set an example as a leaders so that others members in the organisation will participate. During the implementation process, stakeholders affected most were staff members and students because they are the person who use the facilities most. Nevertheless, the plan may also lead stakeholders to improve their quality of life through understanding the importance of being environmentally responsible.

During the implementation process it is highly important to identify the critical areas required for immediate improvement. Based on the analysis, the plan should be immediately endorsed to resolve crucial issues, while others initiatives can be gradually introduced to SCEI, to avoid operational breakdown due to drastic changes. As the plan was implemented, a monthly meeting should be setup to communicate with all the stakeholders, acknowledging their contributions for enabling the plan succeed; the meeting should also present the achievement and continuous progress to stakeholders to prepare for next phase activities.

Part 3



The environment of earth is facing severe strain from unrestrained human action, intimidating survival of the society and performance of SCEI’s mission.

SCEI admits to preserving the planet’s environmental sustainability, at every level of operations, in own undertakings, as the participant in such practice community, and as the contributor in Australia’s social treatise.

SCEI aims at minimizing its bearing on the environment and maximize effective usage of its resources. We endeavor to realize this by more input in awareness and communication of the efforts in harmony with this policy besides fostering an accountable environmental behavior amongst the volunteers, users, and staff at every company level.

SCEI is devoted to observing law applicable in whole operations and also minimize impacts and risks through development of documented and robust systems to measure, disseminate monitor, and apply excellent ecological performance both in operations and wider community.


This Environmental Sustainability Policy intends to incorporate the belief of ecological development into every activity of the company and promote and establish sound conservational practice in all operations.


SCEI obliges to minimizing its effect on the environment by;

  • availing a healthful and safe place of work;
  • Devising an ecologically sustainable conscious culture, in which duty is understood and assigned;
  • staying an ecologically responsible neighbor in this community;
  • Preserving natural resources through recycling and reusing;
  • Exhausting, in own processes, operations that never harmfully affect environment;
  • Guaranteeing responsible energy usage all through the company;
  • Backing efforts on improvement of environmental understanding and protection;
  • Initiating steps of continuous environmental performance improvement;
  • Directing rigorous, self-assessments, evaluations, and audits of this policy’s implementation;
  • Engaging suppliers that endorse sound ecological practices; and
  • Enhancing responsiveness amongst company volunteers, users, and employees by motivating and educating them to perform in such environmentally answerable manner.

Authorized by;

…………………………….Board Secretary

…………………………… Board’s Approval




It shall be the Board’s responsibility to maintain and establish procedures and policies as well as bring such measures into effect.

It shall be the CEO’s responsibility to guarantee implementation of procedures and policies.


  1. SCEI shall develop rules for volunteers, users and staff to assume sound conservational practices of work, and acceptable training shall be availed to guarantee these tasks are implemented.
  2. SCEI shall act conscientiously to put right conditions or incidents that imperil environment, health, or safety. SCEI will at the appointed time report incidents to appropriate authorities, inform parties affected as suitable.
  3. SCEI shall, use endeavors reasonable to recycle, and reuse materials, acquire recycled resources, and expend recyclable wrapping and such other materials.
  4. SCEI shall apply all endeavors reasonable to guarantee products and services are efficient, safe in usage of energy, protecting of environment, and capable of safe reusing, disposed or recycling.
  5. SCEI shall use every endeavor reasonable to minimize energy and materials use, avoid water, air, and such other contamination, and dispose waste responsibly and safely.
  6. SCEI shall use every endeavor reasonable to preserve energy through improving efficiency in energy and offer preference to the renewable than non-renewable sources of energy when practicable.
  7. SCEI shall, use endeavors reasonable to, utilize its actual experience and knowledge to back environmentally techniques of sustainability, knowledge, methods and technology
  8. Through its management of computers and I.T, SCEI shall apply all endeavors reasonable to fund maintenance and growth of the biodiversity.
  9. SCEI shall apply all endeavors reasonable to exceed or meet all appropriate government necessities and charitable requirements commonly observed in such arena, and shall, additionally, obey the stringent requirements of own ecological policy.
  10. SCEI shall use rational undertakings to conduct self-assessments and audits of own compliance with this plan so as to recurrently improve system of environmental administration.
  11. SCEI shall uphold an honest and open dialogue with volunteers, public, stakeholders, and staff about health, safety and environmental performance of services and operations.
  12. SCEI shall use endeavors reasonable to warrant that each volunteer, contractor and employee is well-versed and presumed to obey this policy, report whichever safety environmental, or health disquiet to company management to prompt suitable action.


  • Policy on Purchasing
  • Ethics Code



CEO’s Name


Part Four

You are required to implement the policy and procedure that you developed in Part Three as per the implementation strategies described in the proposal.

Based on the implementation process, you are required to answer the following questions.

  • What procedures did you undertake to implement the policy?

Once the policy and procedures was developed, in order to ensure the implementation process is effective, a sustainability coordinator or third party consultant is hired for desktop review. The officer will act as evaluator and auditor of the plan during phase one, any non-conformances are identified for rectification. In stage two, auditor will conduct on-site inspection and review the KPI set for the plan, ensuring there are no significant non-conformances. At this stages, the business required to have a high level of documentation on policy and procedure implemented. Final stages, an inspection and evaluation equivalent to ISO 14001 was carried, this is an audit to ensure all KPIs are addressed and the site inspection will focus on control measures and implementation of procedures for the 25% of randomly selected control measures.

  • Discuss the methods used to communicate the policy and procedure to the key stakeholders.

A brief monthly report consisting all the performance indicator and implementation progression will be prepared for key stakeholders. Meantime, memo and emails will be sent out to all responsible stakeholders regarding urgent updates and matters required immediate attention.

  • How did you assign responsibilities to track the continuous improvement?

In order to track the continuous improvement, manager of each stores are assigned to provide written report in monthly basis on the performance. The report should focus on establishing a process for evaluating new materials to promote the use of less harmful material and employees training result. Meanwhile, an external auditor will be hire to do random inspection and evaluation based on the managers’ report to track the continuous improvement. Furthermore, auditors may set new objectives and target to implement new or lower impact technologies.

  • Outline the methods used to track/monitor continuous improvement in sustainability processes.

In order to track and monitor continuous improvement in sustainability processes, management need to develop a monthly or quarterly report on overall conformance with EMS, QA, OHS and budgets. In the meantime, all managers need to constantly review sustainability performance indicators to identify any unexpected changes. Furthermore to improve the sustainability processes, it is recommend for manager and auditors to communicate with interested parties for innovated ideas and updates. Evaluating employees’ awareness and competence from time to time also helped organisation to monitor the improvement in sustainability processes, as well trained employees will have good response on how to manage emergency and good knowledge on standard operating procedure.

Part Five

The sustainability policy and procedures is successfully implemented into the organisation as plan. With participation and commitment from all stakeholders, the use of energy and water greatly reduced, and the SCEI managed to cut down the paper consumption through innovative mobile technology application to replace notification through letters and memo. Most of the staff members and students adjusted their travelling behaviour to use public transport as it reduce the transportation cost. The findings were report to all stakeholders, acknowledging their accomplishment on sustainability objectives. Nevertheless, some minor problem such as paper being wasted due to printing error and human mistake still occurred. In order to rectify such matter, SCEI staff members were requested to participate in paperwork management training, to emphasis the important of double check and proper method of using printing machines.


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