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Cse5Pe Professional Environment:Ethical Analysis| Case Assessment Answers

Ethical Analysis and Decision Making Process

Read the case study below and then briefly discuss.

Do the more structured ethical analysis and decision making process (as done in Practice Class week , following the procedures outlined in Kallman and Grillo). Complete this analysis using the headings that follow:

Step I. Understand the Situation

  1. List and number the relevant facts
  1. Which of these raise an ethical issue? What is the potential or resulting harm?
  1. List the stakeholders involved Step II. Isolate the Major Ethical Dilemma Step III. Ethical Analysis


  1. If action in Step II is done, who will be harmed?
  2. If action in Step II is NOT done, who will be harmed?
  3. Which alternative results in the least harm?
  4. If action in Step II is done, who will benefit?
  5. If action in Step II is NOT done, who will benefit?
  6. Which alternative results in the maximum benefit?

Consequentialism Comments (on the choices at C. and F.):

Rights and Duties:

  1. List relevant abridged rights and neglected duties.

Rights and Duties Comments:

Kant’s Categorical Imperative:

  1. If action in Step II is done, who will be treated with disrespect?
  2. If action in Step II is NOT done, who will be treated with disrespect?
  3. Which alternative is preferable?
  4. If action in Step II is done, who will be treated unlike others?
  5. If action in Step II is NOT done, who will be treated unlike others?
  6. Which alternative is preferable?
  7. Are there benefits if everyone did action in Step II?
  8. Are there benefits if nobody did action in Step II?
  9. Which alternative is preferable?

Step III Discussion

Step IV. Making a decision

  1. Make a defensible ethical decision
  2. List the steps needed to implement your defensible ethical decision

Case Study - Transcript

Harry was a bright network programmer working at a private company called Fabio Inc., one of the major graphics software providers in Australia. His job at FABIO included computer security. He had developed a sound reputation both within and external to FABIO for being proactive (always trying to anticipate a problem before it happened) as he tried to provide solutions or preventative measures before any damage could be done to the company’s resources – especially its software and data. He maintained a keen interest in and had an extensive knowledge of all the problems concerned with Fabio’s security procedures.

As Harry was excited by his work, he pursued his interests in security software at home on his own computer. Over a period of time, Harry developed an anti-virus program in which he took great pride. As there were many competitors vying for market share in this lucrative environment, Harry realised that, to make his program stand out from other competitors, he would design it and make it operate in a network environment.

Harry continued developing his program: he purchased extra hardware and software to create his own small network to continue developing his design. As the program neared completion, Harry dreamed of creating a start-up company that would take his prototype and upgrade it to be a commercial distribution: marketed for all users, no matter how complex a network environment was involved.

The basic features of the program, for which Harry was very proud, included:

A sophisticated Graphics User Interface (GUI) Help screens and graphics for every activity

Procedures for backing out of any potentially hazardous activity (a way forward and a way back at every progress point)

It could recognise and destroy both old and new viruses

It described any virus that it found in detail by its type, its source, and its structure

Additionally (one of the features that Harry was most proud of) there was a validation feature. The user could copy each virus to a diskette (or quarantined memory location), and modify the existing virus and then let the program loose on this new, redesigned version of the virus. The program never failed to destroy the new virus every time!

Having completed as many trials as possible at home, Harry then approached his manager, Jill, the Head of IT Security at FABIO, offering his program to FABIO at a discount price, as his first customer about 8 weeks ago. Harry was aware that FABIO had its share of infections and that his program could greatly improve its security.

Jill expressed many misgivings about his program. She told Harry that he had in fact developed an extremely dangerous program. “If FABIO were to make it available on the network it would be like leaving a kid in the candy store. Fabio won’t buy this program! In fact I am sure that FABIO would not touch it - even if it were free! It’s just entirely too dangerous.”

Harry was shocked. He considered his program to be an unquestionable asset. How could Jill take it on herself to refuse it? He decided to give up his dreams of making money and, instead, became a consultant on the internet in his own time by releasing his program (source and executable) on a Bulletin Board System and providing help to prospective users on the program’s features. On deciding to release the program, he published it under the name Safe-T and consulted under the name Lock Smith.

When Jill discovered what Harry had done and that Harry was indeed Lock Smith, she immediately fired him from FABIO and informed her manager Brockley (Smetherton). Harry has now been out of a job for two weeks. But, there is considerable interest from his program on the internet, and Lock Smith receives many new enquiries daily!

Jill’s manager, Brockley (Smetherton), the executive Head of IT at ACE (who had privately considered Harry to be a bit of a “loose cannon”) always had a high opinion of Jill and immediately supported Jill’s decision to sack Harry, when she informed him, with no further review of the case being required. Brockley however has just received an urgent email from Iris Bigg, the owner of the company (FABIO). Iris had just been briefed by an independent head-hunter about an extremely innovative developer on the internet called Lock Smith. In her email, Iris instructed Brockley to quickly find Lock Smith and offer him a position at to bring his expertise to FABIO. Brockley, knowing who Lock Smith is, pours himself a strong cup of coffee and considers the situation.


Ethical Analysis and Decision making process

Step 1: Understanding the situation

A: Enlistment and number of relevant facts associated

  1. Harry is a diligent employee working under the organization named FABIO, a major graphics providing Software Company located in Australia, as a system security analyst.
  2. Harry is extremely talented and a dedicated employee with all the security information required for the benefit of the company, inclusive of all the methodologies and updates.
  3. Addressing the major security issues, Harry decided and eventually developed self-programmed software, potential enough to provide higher level of security for the systems involved with specific relevant features, ahead of fellow competitors.
  4. Believing in his expertise, Harry decided to go ahead for entrepreneurship, purchasing all the required hardware and software necessary for his star-up enterprise.
  5. Harry decided to approach Jill, the manger to him and head of the IT security department in FABIO to offer the software at a discounted price, considering it as the first client.
  6. Jill on the proposition rejected the software being judgmental about it and stating it to be dangerous for the company and informed she would not purchase such a commodity even it was free.
  7. Unable to pursue his dream, Harry decided to become a web consultant to all the prospective users, pseudonymously blogging solution as Safe-T utilizing the name Lock Smith.
  8. Soon enough, the manager Jill, discovers about this pseudonymous blogging and easily derives that to be Harry, as the program became a trend-setter in the market.
  9. Realizing the immense popularity Harry achieved for the software, Jill at once decided to sack him and informs her manager Brockley.
  10. Brockley, the manger and executive head of the IT department, did not enquire about the situation and directly agreed to the termination.
  11. Amidst these happenings, the fame rose to a level that eventually, Iris Bigg , the owner of the company FABIO, decided and ordered Brockley to enquire about Lock Smith and immediately heir him for their company.
  12. Brockley, now has to offer Harry his job again.

B: Which of these raise an ethical issue 




Organization is unaware of Harry’s excellent research


Employee’s trust and rights are breached


Manager Jill did not consult high-level management and the company lost a diligent employee


Unethical decision from Brockley

Table: 1

Notation: the pointers stated above indicate all the former and the present issues. Number 4 is nt a major issue alongside of 5, 7, as employees like Harry excels overcoming challenges. Addressing 8,9- it is a past action and is already taken, so the major issue revolves around number 10, the factual present dilemma of offering Harry his position back.

C: The stake holders involved in the analysis

Based on the narrative the major stake-holders list below would help us determine for whom it will be beneficial

  • FABIO Inc.
  • Competitors to FABIO
  • Stakeholders at FABIO Inc.
  • Internal prospective Security users
  • Harry
  • Jill, Head of IT Security department at FABIO
  • Brockley, Executive Head of IT department at FABIO

Step II: Isolation of the Major Ethical Dilemma involved

Should and Would Brockley decide to offer Harry a position back to this company, for the general profit of the organization?

Step III: Ethical Analysis of the situation

Using the theory of Consequentialism:

  1. If action in Step II is done, who will be harmed?

Certainly, this would harm Jill and Brockley, who failed to realize the importance and benefits of Harry’s developed software. 

  1. If action in Step II is NOT done, who will be harmed?

FABIO will be at great loss then, as it will fail to compete in the market. 

  1. Which alternative results in the least harm?

Option A provides the least harm possible in such a situation. 

  1. If action in Step II is done, who will benefit?

The entire organization and the employee alongside the shareholders would benefit from the action in Step II. 

  1. If action in Step II is NOT done, who will benefit?

In such a case, the benefits are personalized focused on Brockley and Jill. 

  1. Which alternative results in the maximum benefit?

In all certain ways, the alternative stated in option D is beneficial. 

Comments on Consequentialism (Options at A. and D.):

Following the chosen options, lesser number of people that is Jill and Brockley would be harmed even might get terminated from the organization (Carlson, E., 2013). While eventually the organization would get benefited if Harry is approached for a position back in the company, as his solution would provide better system security and market position for FABIO.

Rights and Duties:

  1. Enlistment of relevant breached rights and neglected duties are done in following part of the section.
  2. Organizations possess the right to enquire or know about any additional interests of any of its employee. Harry had the ethical sense to inform his senior management about his advanced thinking, as a part of his duties.
  3. The management system has the right to know about any innovative ideas emerging from an employee. Eventually, should support it. Harry had the duty to inform his management about a better solution that could be beneficial for the company.
  4. Harry had the right to know about the official and valid ground for the rejection forwarded by the management. It was the duty on Jill’s part to properly analyze the solution from Harry before disapproving it.
  5. Harry possessed the right to express his views to his seniors while, Brockley had the responsibility to enquire about the situation before supporting the judgment of Jill.
  6. Following the rejection it was Harry’s right to launch the software on a platform that offered full support to benefit the graphic security users. While, the duty of Jill was to take up the news relative to the sensational buzz the launch created.

Rights and Duties Comments:

From the pointer mentioned above it will be correct to state that the right and the duties involving employee as Harry, Jill, Brockley and the organization is at an argumentative point, which needs to be resolved and judged ethically and with transparency.

Utilization of Kant’s Categorical Imperative:

  1. If action in Step II is done, who will be treated with disrespect?

Jill, the head if IT and Brockley, the executive head. 

  1. If action in Step II is NOT done, who will be treated with disrespect?

Iris Bigg, the owner of the company would be disrespected as eventually he will come in terms with the fact how the employee, Harry initiated his Start-Up. 

  1. Which alternative is preferable?

Option I is preferable in all means. 

  1. If action in Step II is done, who will be treated unlike others?

Harry, system security analyst will be treated unlikely.

  1. If action in Step II is NOT done, who will be treated unlike others?

No one. 

  1. Which alternative is preferable?

Option presented in pointer K is preferable. 

  1. Are there benefits if everyone did action in Step II?

Yes, it will be a definite benefit for the organization FABIO and the market involved. 

  1. Are there benefits if nobody did action in Step II?

Yes, in this way, Harry will fulfill his dream of being an entrepreneur. 

  1. Which alternative is preferable?

Addressing this query both are potential but since, Harry wanted to sell his program initially so option N is preferable. 

Step III: Discussion

On analysis of the pointers stated, it would be constructive to deduce who eventually would benefit in the end, the organization FABIO and society or Harry and the prospective users.

In the both the stated alternatives, the societu anyhow would benefit, so it is of prior importance to decide between Harry and the organization who would and should be benefited (Sherman 2014).

However, in the process of decision making it is important to consider the other employees who are involved in the case, Brockley and Jill. They will get adversely affected if Harry is offered a position back in the organization, while if not, Bigg will lose the trust in Brockley. With the entry of Harry back in the organization, both Jill and Brockley would have to face the consequences of neglecting their duties.

Step IV: Making a Decision

IV: A. Make a defensible ethical decision

Harry should be offered his position back in the organization, as he has established his stature based on his expertise, which would as a result benefit the society, Harry and the organization FABIO (refer to part IV.B).

IV: B. List the steps needed to implement your defensible ethical decision

  1. Brockley should first explain the situation to the owner, Bigg and offer the rectification needed on his end by proposing Harry his position.
  2. Brockley should arrange a meeting with Harry and explain to convince him in this situation. They together should plan ahead for the betterment of Harry and the Organization FABIO.
  3. Brockley should advice Jill to apologize to Harry and convince him to return to FABIO.
  4. Brockley, being the executive head should offer help to Harry if in any way, he feels dissatisfied in FABIO.
  5. Brockley, should promise to give up on unethical biased decision as earlier.

Another notation to add would be to inform Iris Bigg about the entire situation, about all the ill- treatments Harry was subjected to. Eventually, Harry should be offered a greater compensation.

References list

Carlson, E., 2013. Consequentialism reconsidered (Vol. 20). Springer Science & Business Media.

Sherman, N., 2014. The place of emotions in Kantian morality. In Kant on Emotion and Value (pp. 11-32). Palgrave Macmillan UK. 

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