Passing Values Homework Help
So far the Functions we have discussed are Void Type. These Functions just display a message. Sometimes, we pass some values to the Function as argument and it returns a value which is used by the main or any other Function.
The following example will illustrate this:
{`#include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> int add(int x, int y); int sub(int x, int y); int mult(int x, int y); void main() { //int a, b, result; printf("Enter two integers: "); scanf("%d %d",&a,&b); result = add(a,b); printf("\nThe sum of two numbers is : %d",result); result = sub(a,b); printf("\nThe difference of two numbers is : %d",result); result = mult(a,b); printf("\nThe product of two numbers is : %d",result); getch(); } int add(int x, int y) { int result ; result = x + y ; return result ; } int sub(int x, int y) { int result ; result = x - y ; return result ; } int mult(int x, int y) { int result ; result = x * y ;< return result ; }`}