CATIA Homework Help

Professional CATIA Assignment Help for Academics To Achiever High Grades
{" "} CATIA Assignment Help Requirements for the Completion for AERO2430 – Aerospace Design I{" "}
This Assignment required you to model a simplified Boeing 737-800 aircraft using{" "} ONLY solid modeling techniques. The booklet and reference material is provided on the Blackboard and must be checked regularly.{" "}
This is a GROUP ASSIGNMENT with 5 students per group.
To begin assignment
- Each group must be formed before by the end of Week 4 (5 th -April-2013)
- Choose a team leader
- Team leader must contact teaching staff to be assigned a number
- Each number is a unique scaling factor for your B737-800 aircraft
- Each group member will be responsible for drawing one of the following components
Product |
Part Description |
Naming Requirements |
Member |
Marks |
B737-001 |
Fuselage |
B737-001-001 – Fuselage.CATPart |
1 |
6 |
B737-001 |
Wing (Port) |
B737-001-002 – Wing (Port).CATPart |
2 |
6 |
B737-001 |
Wing (Stab) |
B737-001-003 – Wing (Stab) .CATPart |
2 |
- |
B737-001 |
Engine (Port) |
B737-001-004 – Engine (Port).CATPart |
3 |
6 |
B737-001 |
Engine (Stab) |
B737-001-005 – Engine (Stab).CATPart |
3 |
- |
B737-001 |
Vertical Stabiliser (Port) |
B737-001-006 – Vertical Stabiliser(Port).CATPart |
4 |
3 |
B737-001 |
Vertical Stabiliser (Stab) |
B737-001-007 – Vertical Stabiliser(Stab).CATPart |
4 |
- |
B737-001 |
Horizontal Stabiliser (Port) |
B737-001-008 – Horizontal Stabiliser(Port).CATPart |
5 |
3 |
B737-001 |
Horizontal Stabiliser (Stab) |
B737-001-009 – Horizontal Stabiliser(Stab).CATPart |
5 |
- |
B737-001 |
Cockpit |
B737-001-010 – Cockpit.CATPart |
Given |
Given |
B737-002 |
Stand Base Plate |
B737-002-001 – Stand Base Plate.CATPart |
4 |
3 |
B737-002 |
Base Pedestal |
B737-002-002 – Stand Pedestal.CATPart |
5 |
3 |
30 |
{" "} Each group member is to select a member number and complete the modeling for the corresponding part(s).
Use the reference material provided to begin your B737-800
- The reference drawing represent the base model i.e Sf =1.00
- Use your groups scaling factor to model the B737-800 to the correct size. e if your Sf = 1.01 your B737 will be 1% larger that the base model{" "} {" "} - All aerofoil cross-section and engine nacelle geometry are provided{" "} {" "}
Naming conventions must be strictly followed within CATIA and on the file storage level.{" "}
{" "} i.e – Fuselage must have B737-001-001 – Fuselage displayed as part name inside CATIA and the corresponding file name should be B737-001-001 – Fuselage.CATPart
Modeling Rules
- The dimensional scaling number given to your group must be used from the very first sketch
- Any scaling on the part level will result in no mark for that component
- All drawn geometry must be fully constrained
- Any provided reference geometry does not need to be constrained
- Use CATIA’s Assembly workbench to assemble your Boeing 737-800 model.
- Create a product called “Boeing 737-800” - Boeing 737-800.CATProduct
- Create two sub-assemblies called
- “B737-001 – B737 Aircraft” - B737-001 – B737 Aircraft.CATProduct
- “B737-002 –Aircraft Stand” - B737-002 –Aircraft Stand.CATProduct
- Assemble the corresponding parts into the sub-assemblies as listed in step 2. - Fully constrain your aircraft model on both assembly levels.{" "}
- Only {" "} fix the stand base plate in space “B737-002-001 – Stand Base Plate”
5 . – Use the Drafting Workbench in CATIA to create the following:-
- 4-view (front, side, top, isometric) of the complete B737 aircraft with stand
- For the aircraft geometry
- Provide a 4-view of each part identifying major dimensions only (i.e chord, span, dihedral, sweep angle, tab length-width-height, etc.) with cross-sections of aerofoils and fuselage sections where applicable.
- Only provide drawings for port side symmetric parts only
- For stand geometry
- Provide a 4-view of both parts
- Provide complete dimensionality to completely describe the component
- Create a new assembly design of your B737 to be compatible with FDM
- Assemble all the corresponding parts into a single assembly ready for FDM
- Export you assembly as an *.igs file with the highest resolution settings
- Open your *.igs file in CATIA and save it as an *.stl file
- Open your *.stl file in CATIA STL Rapid Prototyping workbench and check the geometry is correct.{" "}