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Visual Basic Homework Help

Visual Basic is an event processed computing language which belongs to the third generation. It is an integrated development environment owned by Microsoft which launched its first component object model in 1991 announcing a legacy through 2008. The company planned Visual Basic to have a comparatively easier syntax than other languages especially made for beginners. Visual Basic originated from another language named Basic which was known to be user-friendly and allowed rapid application development of graphical user interface programs, extending databases using Data access objects, remote data objects, ActiveX data objects and execution of ActiveX controls and objects.

Users are allowed to form applications using the components enabled by the Visual Basic program. Eventually, the society of programmers invented third party components which to be written in Visual Basic required extra function declarations.

Visual Basic .Net

A Visual Basic .Net is an object-oriented computing language executed on the .Net framework. It was launched as another version to its original as well as rival language, Visual Basic, by Microsoft in 2002. However, the ‘.Net’ structure of the name was dropped soon after but Visual Basic .Net was continued to be considered other multi paradigm languages which were released since then so as to differentiate between the original Visual Basic and other preceding languages. But Visual Basic .Net is one of the two major languages aiming at the .Net framework.

The integrated development environment introduced by Microsoft using Visual Basic .Net it known as Visual Studio. Many Visual Studio versions were introduced for commercial purposes except for visual studio express and Visual Studio community which was freely distributed. Also, the .Net framework involves a freeware command line compilers called vbc.exe.

Visual Basic Homework Help

Advantages of visual basic programming

  1. Visual Basic is as much basic as its name sounds. The simple and distinct structure of the language makes it a preferable platform for several users.
  2. Visual Basic is a language as well as an integrated development environment. This ensures its versatility in whichever field one wants to utilize it.
  3. Visual Basic is specially created for making graphical interfaces and also allows the feature of rapid application development. It enables the handler function for the programmer as well.
  4. Visual Basic provides help to its users through an online help system which is highly interactive and user-friendly.
  5. There are features which suggest the user a different approach to a particular program. This makes programming fun to learn when the system itself plays the role of a teacher at many points.
  6. Visual Basic is created by Microsoft as its component object model. Other components of it can be coded in different languages and yet be executed by merging them through visual basic.
  7. The components of the object model can be connected or linked to the applications and also to the stored documents.

Disadvantages of Visual Basic

  1. The programs coded using Visual Basic are not compatible with all devices. Apart from that, they cannot be easily converted to other languages.
  2. It does not have a unique declaration for arrays which a prime feature in C language.

Advantages of Visual Basic .Net

  1. It prevents type conversion mistakes which are very common in the sphere of programming. This option enables users from assigning values without intending to do so.
  2. The language supports the legacy feature which allows the user to create multiple legacy projects in current language specifications.
  3. Visual Basic .Net takes care of handlers in a more secure way than its predecessor. The production of code is also largely benefited due to this feature.
  4. Rapid application development is allowed in Visual Basic .Net keeping the originality of visual basic. This makes Visual Basic .Net preferable for creating graphical interfaces.
  5. The feature of project wizard which lets the user create projects and helps in customizing the process is a major hit among the components of Visual Basic .Net.
  6. You might be able to find a large number of applications in the field of Visual Basic .Net since it involves several other languages and their users add to the knowledge of Visual Basic .Net.

.Net Programming Homework Help

Disadvantages of Visual Basic .Net

  1. Pointers cannot be handled directly unlike other languages one of these being its own predecessor.
  2. Since the knowledge related to this language is quite abundant, there are a large number of programmers attracted to this language which in turn increases completion for a certain learner who has just started.
  3. The decompiling of application is pretty common when using visual basic .net. In fact, no feature can prevent the decompiling process.
  4. The just in time compiler is a necessary requirement for initiating the output on the target computer or device and this marks as a huge setback because the installation of the compiler on the target device is not guaranteed.
  5. There are a large number of libraries scrounging for memory in the CPU of the device.

Why should you learn visual basic?

Visual Basic is specifically designed to create graphical interfaces and that proves its application in the software industry. It is a language introduced by Microsoft which the dream company of many programmers who might want to take a leap in their career.

Moreover, visual basic boasts of a simple and unique syntax which is easier to learn for beginners.

Why should you learn Visual Basic .Net?

Visual Basic .Net is a successor to visual basic and is considered to be of much more importance as well as diversity in features. Different types of graphical interfaces can be made using the rapid application development feature. This provides you a chance to understand the underlying principle of a certain program with ease.

If you are already aware of Visual Basic, then learning Visual Basic .Net must be on the cards because it is essential to know the progress made by the company on a certain project and in this case, language.

Visual Basic .Net has numerous libraries that tend to increase our knowledge as well competition in the chosen sphere of career. Healthy completion can prove to be a driving force for achieving better results.

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