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CHCCSM005 Develop, facilitate and review all aspects of case management

Unit code	CHCCSM005
Unit name	Develop, facilitate and review all aspects of case management
Tafe NSW

Unit purpose

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to undertake case management meetings to plan, monitor and review service provision. Workers at this level work autonomously and are responsible for own outputs within organisation guidelines. This unit applies to work in a range of health and community services contexts.

Assessment plan

To demonstrate competence in this unit, you must successfully complete each of the following assessment events:

Event 1

Written task - Case management plans

Event 2

Short answer questions - Case management plans

Event 3

Role play - Facilitate a case management meeting

Assessment events

Assessment event 1: Written task - Case management plans

This event requires you to submit written documents that demonstrates your ability to develop appropriate case management plans.

The assessment for this event is based on the following Indigo scenarios. You must submit three individual case management plans.

  1. Case management plans x 3

Each plan must include the following sections:

  1. Introduction
  2. Overview
  3. Goals
  4. Implementation strategy
  5. Risks
  6. Evaluation

Your answers must address the criteria listed in the table below.


  • A case management plan CHCCSM005 Develop, facilitate and review all aspects of case management for this event is available here.
  • Alternatively you can base this assessment on your own case and organisation. Ensure that you apply the marking criteria to the context of your chosen organisation and to the content of your documents.

You must meet the marking criteria below in order to successfully complete this assessment event.

1. Case management plans x 3

Submit three (3) case management plans for three (3) different clients based on these scenarios using the case management CHCCSM005 Develop, facilitate and review all aspects of case managements.

1. IntroductionIn this section:

a. Identify the names of the client, case worker and case coordinator

2. OverviewIn this section:

a. Describe the presenting issues of the client

b. Summarise the client's needs including cultural considerations in the immediate, short and long term.

3. GoalsIn this section:

a. List realistic goals and strengths in collaboration with the client. Where relevant, strengths and goals could identify under the following headings:

o Health (including mental health o Cultural religious o Communication o Housing

o Social

o Family / interpersonal / social and peer relationships

o Income o Employment o Education

o Legal / Justice

o Transport o Other


Implementation strategyIn this section:.

a. Identify detailed strategies to meet each of the goals identified.

b. List both internal and external stakeholders who are responsible for implementing the strategies (including the client).

c. Identify priorities and time frames to implement the interventions.

d. Describe strategies to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness and progress towards each goal.


RisksIn this section:

a. Identify and list any risks associated with implementing the strategies.

b. Explain how each risk will be managed.

Assessment event 2: Short answer questions - Case management plans

This event requires you to respond to short answer questions based on the scenarios and case management plans completed in assessment event 1. Your evidence must include the following item:

  1. Responses to short answer questions - Scenario 1
  2. Responses to short answer questions - Scenario 2
  3. Responses to short answer questions - Scenario 3 This item must address the criteria as listed in the table below.


 Answers must be submitted using the following CHCCSM005 Develop, facilitate and review all aspects of case management

You must meet the marking criteria below in order to successfully complete this assessment event.

1. Responses to short answer questions -

Scenario 1

Respond correctly to each of the questions provided. Your responses must:

1. Be presented in the theory questions answer sheet

2. Provide detail addressing all parts of each question

3. Use clear and concise language to ensure the intended meaning is understood

4. Identify the source of information as relevant.

2. Responses to short answer questions -

Scenario 2

Respond correctly to each of the questions provided. Your responses must:

1. Be presented in the theory questions answer sheet.

2. Provide detail addressing all parts of each question.

3. Use clear and consise language to ensure the intended meaning is understood.

4. Identify the source of information as relevant.

3. Responses to short answer questions -

Scenario 3

Respond correctly to each of the questions provided. Your responses must:

1. Be presented in the theory questions answer sheet.

2. Provide detail addressing all parts of each question.

3. Use clear and concise language to ensure the intended meaning is understood.

4. Identify the source of information as relevant.

Assessment event 3: Role play - Facilitate a case management meeting

This event requires you to submit a video that demonstrates your ability to conduct a case management meeting.

Your evidence must be based on the this scenario and include the following item.

  1. Video recording of client meeting

Your evidence must address the criteria listed in the table below.


  • You may use a simple video camera such as those found on most smart phones.
  • The recording should be no longer than 20 minutes and submitted in .MP3, .MP4 or .MOV formats.
  • It is important that you follow these instructions for the production and upload of your videos.
  • Organise a colleague, family member or friend to play the part of the client in the scenario.
  • You must state your name and student ID number clearly at the beginning of the recording.

You must meet the marking criteria below in order to successfully complete this assessment event.

1. Video recording of client meeting

Submit a video recording of your meeting based on this scenario. Your recording must:

1. Ensure a suitable setting and environment for the meeting.

2. Outline the purpose of the meeting

3. Establish a rapport with the client

4. Gain agreement between you and the client during the meeting about:

o roles and responsibilities o rights including rights of appeal and avenues of complaint

o decision-making processes.

5. Demonstrate effective communication skills including appropriate cultural considerations

6. Facilitate the sharing of information and discuss current issues for the client in relation to the case plan.

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