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ICTSAS304 Provide basic system administration LMS 2

Skills Assessment

Unit code, name
ICTSAS304 - Provide basic system administration (1)
ICTNWK301 - Provide network systems administration (1)
Qualification/Course code, name
ICT30118 - Certificate III in Information, Digital Media and Technology (1)
Tafe NSW

Assessment instructions

Table 1 Assessment instructions

Assessment details


Assessment overview

The objective of this assessment is to assess your skills to:

sustain the operation of the network through the maintenance of network integrity, and by performing diagnostic tests

perform a systems backup, restore and maintain correct usage

maintain software licence records and check for copyright compliance within the system

provide the appropriate access to the network for users

maintain, limit or enhance user access, according to authorised requests.

apply access controls on network resources.

Assessment Event number

2 of 2

Instructions for this assessment

This is a skills-based assessment and will be assessing you on your ability to demonstrate skills required in the unit.

This assessment is in 10 parts:

1. Perform initial configuration tasks and diagnostics

2. Configure the system for administrative access

3. Record software licenses

4. Check for illegal software

5. Provide security documentation and access to client

6. Issue user account and password details to client

7. Apply effective access controls and files and directories

8. Carryout system backup

9. Restore system from backup

10. Testing user account configuration and access control

This assessment is also supported by:

an observation checklist which provides the list of marking criteria.

assessment feedback.

Check the Observation checklist to ensure that you’ve covered all the required tasks.

Submission instructions

When you have completed this assessment, submit it online for making by your assessor.

Submit the following files or documents:

The zipped folder you created named YourFullName-dd-mm-yy containing the snipped images.

This completed assessment document.

It is important that you keep a copy of all electronic and hardcopy assessments submitted to TAFE and complete the assessment declaration when submitting the assessment.

What do I need to do to achieve a satisfactory result?

To achieve a satisfactory result for this assessment all questions must be answered correctly and all demonstrations must be marked satisfactory.

Assessment conditions

Assessment conditions will replicate the workplace, including noise levels, production flow, interruptions and time variances. Make sure there is background noise, such as music for example, and interruptions while you are completing this assessment.

What do I need to provide?

A personal computer with the following minimum specification – 4GB RAM, 2GHz processor.

Internet access and login details.

A word processor, such as Microsoft Word.

Access to screen capture software such as the Snipping Tool to take screenshots of the observation tasks you complete on a computer.

A USB drive or other storage method with enough free space to save work to.

Virtualisation software, for example Virtual Box, to set up a virtual machine. See instructions in the assessment under ‘Prepare for the demonstration tasks’.

What will the assessor provide?

Access to the Learning Management System

The virtual hard disk file named CentOS7-Exam_VB file which is included in Cl_SysAdmin_AE_Sk_2of2_SR1.zip file

Due date and time allowed

Indicative time to complete assessment:

Three hours.


You will need to provide evidence (such as screenshots) to verify the authenticity of your submissions and confirm that the assessment tasks were completed by you. The assessor may ask for additional evidence to verify the authenticity of your submission and to confirm that the assessment task was completed by you.

Reasonable adjustment

If you have a permanent or temporary condition that may prevent you from successfully completing the assessment event(s) in the way described, you should talk to your assessor about ‘reasonable adjustment’. This is the adjustment of the way you are assessed to take into account your condition, which must be approved BEFORE you attempt the assessment.

Assessment feedback, review or appeals

Appeals are addressed in accordance with Every Student’s Guide to Assessment.

Specific task instructions

This assessment must be recorded using screenshots.

You should refer to the list of criteria in the Observation checklist to understand what you need to demonstrate in this section of the assessment. This checklist outlines the assessment criteria used to assess your performance.

You will need to submit to your assessor for marking:

  • this document
  • a zipped folder of screenshots of the tasks and activities in this assessment

You will perform the installation of network and other software using a virtual machine and related operating system installation files.

Prepare for the demonstration tasks

If you already have VirtualBox installed on your computer, you will not need to install it again.

Before you begin the demonstration tasks:

  • Install VirtualBox:
    • Go to https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads
    • Under VirtualBox platform packages, select Windows hosts or OS X hosts (depending on your operating system) to download the .exe file.
    • Install VirtualBox by double-clicking the VirtualBox package.
  • Create a folder on your local hard drive:
    • Name the folder YourFullName-dd-mm-yy
    • You will be using screen capture software such as the snipping tool to take screenshots at various points during the practical demonstration tasks.
    • All screenshots taken during demonstration tasks must be saved inside the above created folder.
    • All screenshots taken during the assessment tasks must capture the entire virtual machine window which shows the name of the virtual machine (that is your student number) along with the date and time at the bottom.
  • Create a virtual machine:
    • Watch Creating a new Virtual Machine (VM) in Virtual Box (Vimeo 9:00 min) and follow the steps in the video to create a virtual machine using the CentOS7-EXAM-VB (zip).
    • Remember to:
      • name the Virtual machine: CentOS7-XXXXXXXXXX (XXXXXXXXXX is your TAFE student number)
      • allocate sufficient memory (RAM)
      • use the following login credentials for the CentOS7 system:
        • Username : root
        • Password :

Part 1: Perform initial system configuration and diagnostics

Perform the following demonstration tasks in order. Record each step using screenshots.


Demonstration tasks

Tick if completed



Change the hostname of the CentOS7 machine to: CentOS7-XX

(NOTE: XX should be the last two digits of your TAFE student number).


Perform the following tasks in the given order:

a) Restart the machine

b) Login to the system as root

c) Clear the terminal screen

d) Display the current date and time

e) Display where you are in the file system structure (print working directory)

f) Take a screenshot of the virtual machine’s screen from top and save it as Snip1.


a) Clear the screen

b) Use the correct command to list block device information of the given CentOS7 system.

c) Redirect the above output into a file called BlockDeviceInfo.txt

d) Take a screenshot of the virtual machine’s screen from top and save it as Snip2.


a) Clear the screen

b) Use the correct command to list CPU information of the given CentOS7 system

c) Redirect the above output into a file called CPUInfo.txt

d) Take a screenshot of the virtual machine’s screen from top and save as Snip3.


a) Clear the screen

b) Use the free command to view system memory usage information of the given CentOS7 system.

(customise the command to view output in human readable format)

c) Redirect the above output into a file called MemoryInfo.txt

d) Take a screenshot of the virtual machine’s screen from top and save it as Snip 4.

e) Use the command output to answer the questions below:

i. Total memory available in the system: _________

ii. Amount of memory currently being used in the system? __________

iii. Total free memory space in the system? ________

Part 2: Configure system for administrative access

Read the scenario and perform the demonstration tasks in order. Make sure you take screenshots of all the demonstration tasks and save to your folder.


You are the administrator of a new CentOS7 System. According to your company’s security access policy, it is recommended that the root (super-user) account should be used sparingly and any System Administrator who requires full administrative access to the system should be in the sudoers list.

Perform the tasks below so that you will configure yourself a user account that has full administrative access in the CentOS7 system.

Your manager also suggested that you should refer to the SecurityAccess-Procedure document inside /Policies directory for more information on how to perform this task.


Demonstration tasks

Tick if Completed



Perform the following in the given order:

a) Create a new user account with your firstname.

(Example: if your firstname is Bob create an account called bob.)

NOTE: Useonlylower-case letters when creating the user account.)

b) Modify the user account so that your Full Name is added to the comments field of the user account configuration file.

c) Set the password as password for your firstname account

d) Add your firstname account to the sudoers list.

e) Log out from the root account

Part 3: Record Software Licences

Read the scenario and perform the demonstration tasks in order. Make sure you take screenshots of all the demonstration tasks and save to your folder.


Part of your job requires you to use your command-line skills to determine what licensed software is installed in the CentOS7 System given to you.

According to company’s security access policy, you will be using the new administrative account you created for yourself to access the system from this point onwards to perform all tasks.


Demonstration tasks

Tick if completed



Do the following in the order given:

a) Login to the system using your firstname account

b) Find out and write down below your current location in the file system structure. NOTE: Do not change your current location unless you are instructed to do so.


c) Perform a listing of all installed software packages in the current system.

Write down the command used: __

d) Redirect the above output into a file called InstalledPackages.txt

e) Find out the total number of software packages installed in the current system: __________

Write down the command you used to find out the above information: _____________


a) Use the correct commands and options to find out detailed licensing information about tree and bzip2 software packages.

b) Document your findings in the table given below.

c) Find out the location of the license information for tree and bzip2 packages and document your findings in the table given below.

Application name


Release number


Date installed

License location



Part 4: Check for illegal software

Read the scenario and perform the demonstration tasks in order. Make sure you take screenshots of all the demonstration tasks and save to your folder.


The company security policy states that the entire CentOS7 System should be scanned for illegal software programs on a daily basis or whenever virus infections are suspected. ClamAV is an anti-virus program that is installed in the system. Since you are new to the system, refer to the company procedure documents to find out how to check your system for illegal software.

Extracts from company procedure documents

To perform a full system scan to detect illegal software, do the following:

  • You can run the command clamscan with root privileges

(Use the command sudo clamscan if you are in the sudoers list)

  • If you want to perform a scan from tmp directory à clamscan tmp
  • If any illegal programs are detected in your system, use the following command to delete them: clamscan - -remove<directory>

(Use the sudo clamscan - - remove if you are on the sudoers list)

Example: if you want to remove infected files from the tmp directory: clamscan - -remove tmp


Demonstration tasks

Tick if Completed



a) Clear the terminal screen.

b) You are suspecting that there may be infected files inside /downloads. Refer to Company Procedure documents above to perform a virus scan in this location.

c) Write down the command used : ____

d) Redirect the above command output into a file called clamscan.txt


Did you detect any illegal programs or infected files in the system (based on the previous command)? _________

If, so, how many did you detect? ___________


Remove the illegal programs from your system as per guidelines given in the Company procedure document. Write down the command you would use to do this task:



Perform a system scan again in /downloads.

Did the scan detect any illegal programs now? ______


a) Append the above output into the file clamscan.txt

b) Clear the screen

c) View the contents of the clamscan.txt file

d) Take a screenshot of the virtual machine’s screen from top and save it as Snip5.

Part 5: Provide security documentation and access to client

Read the scenario and perform the demonstration tasks in order.


As the Administrator, you are required to set up the system in an efficient manner so that the following policy documents are automatically copied to the home folder of any new employee.

  • Password-policy
  • Access-policy
  • Reporting-policy

According to the company security access policy, you are also required to set up a Message of the Day (MOTD) banner for all users who login to the system displaying the following message.


Welcome to ABC Company

All connections are monitored and recorded

Disconnect immediately if you are not an authorised user!

NOTE: A copy of the Company policy documents are available in your home folder your reference.



Demonstration tasks

Tick if completed



Copy the following three files from the /Policies directory to the /etc/skel directory.




(NOTE: you DO NOT need to create the above files, they already exist inside /Policies.)

Write down the command used below:


Edit the /etc/motd configuration file to display the MOTD banner message according to Company Policy.

Write down the command used below:

Part 6: Issue user account and password details to client

Read the scenario and perform the demonstration tasks in order. Make sure you take screenshots of all the demonstration tasks and save to your folder.


The company security access policy states the following regarding user account and group creation. All administrators are required to follow company policy and procedure documents when creating new user accounts.

  • User Groups are: staff, managers, project
  • All employees should belong to the primary group called staff
  • Only some employees and managers will belong to the secondary group called project
  • All managers belong to the primary group managers

User Account Creation Procedure document……

  • All login names should be created in the following format

Example: if the client name is John Smith, the logon name should be jsmith

  • The client full name and should be added to the comments field of the user account record
  • A temporary password should be set for each new user account in the following format: temp<UID>

Example: For a user account jsmith having UID=1005 should have the temporary password set as temp1005

  • All new employees should be advised to change their temporary password when they first login to the system.


Demonstration tasks

Tick if completed



Write down the logon names for the following new employees as per company policy.

First name

Last name

Logon name










Create the above user accounts with the correct logon names as per guidelines given in Company Policy.

**Ensure the client full name is also being added to the user account record as a comment.


Do the following in the given order:

a) Display the last 5 lines of the configuration file that holds user account information and redirect this output into a file called accounts.txt

b) View the contents of the accounts.txt file.

c) Take a screenshot of the virtual machine’s screen from top and save it as Snip 6.


Record the UIDs temporary passwords you need to provide to the new employees, as per company Policy.


First name

Last name










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