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ICTSAS308 Run standard diagnostic tests LMS 2

Project assessment: Perform system maintenance and diagnostic tests

Unit code, name
ICTSAS308 - Run standard diagnostic tests (1)
Qualification/Course code, name
ICT30118 - Certificate III in Information, Digital Media and Technology (2)

Assessment instructions

Table 1 Assessment instructions

Assessment details


Assessment overview

The objective of this assessment is to assess your knowledge and performance to prepare for, perform and report on system maintenance and diagnostics.

This is an open book assessment.

Assessment Event number

2 of 2

Instructions for this assessment

This is a project-based assessment and will be assessing you on your knowledge and performance of the unit.

This assessment is in four parts:

1. Plan troubleshooting

2. Perform system maintenance and diagnostic tests

3. Monitor viruses

4. Implement actions to remove virus.

The assessment also contains:

· Assessment Checklist

· Observation Checklist 1-3

· Assessment Feedback.

Check the Assessment and Observation checklists to ensure that you’ve covered all the required tasks.

Submission instructions

When you have completed this assessment, submit it online for marking by your assessor.

Ensure you have typed your name at the bottom of each page of your assessment.

Submit the following documents for each part:

· Part 1: Plan troubleshooting

o Troubleshooting plan

· Part 2: Perform system maintenance and diagnostic tests

o Recording of each step you take to complete these tests (follow the steps in How do I record my Skype calls? to learn how to record your screen)

· Part 3: Monitor viruses

o Video recording of your meeting with the Network Manager (follow the Video recording instructions to record and submit your video)

· Part 4: Implement actions to remove virus

o This document with screenshots included

o IT Maintenance Log.

It is important that you keep a copy of all electronic and hardcopy assessments submitted to TAFE and complete the assessment declaration when submitting the assessment.

What do I need to do to achieve a satisfactory result?

To achieve a satisfactory result for this assessment all questions must be answered correctly and all items in the Assessment and Observation Checklists must be marked Satisfactory.

Assessment conditions

Assessment conditions will replicate the workplace, including noise levels, production flow, interruptions and time variances. Make sure there is background noise, such as music for example, and interruptions while you are completing this assessment.

What do I need to provide?

· Computer, internet and login details.

· Customised virtual machine with diagnostic tools and virus protection software (instructions for how to set this up are included in Part 2).

· Hardware and software to perform maintenance on, including a laptop, mobile device and printer.

· Maintenance tools and equipment, such as cleaning products and tools.

· A person to act in the role of Network Manager.

· A video recording device, such as a smartphone, and access to a web meeting platform, such as Skype, Microsoft Teams or Zoom so that you can record the meeting with your Network Manager. You may also need a webcam to do this.

· USB drive or other storage method with enough free space to save work to.

What will the assessor provide?

· Access to the Learning Management System

· Scenario documents as outlined in assessment:

o Red Opal Innovations (ROI_Scenario.pdf)

o IT Maintenance procedure (ROI_IT_Maint_procedure.pdf)

o IT Troubleshooting Plan (ICTSAS308_AE_Pro_2of2_SR1.docx)

o ROI email ICTSAS308 Run standard diagnostic tests LMS 2 (ROI_Email_ICTSAS308 Run standard diagnostic tests LMS 2.docx)

o IT Maintenance Log (ROI_IT_Maint_log.docx).

Due date and time allowed

Indicative time to complete the assessment:

· Part 1 – 60 minutes

· Part 2 – 90 minutes

· Part 3 - 30 minutes

· Part 4 – 60 minutes


This assessment is unsupervised, but your assessor may ask for additional evidence to verify the authenticity of your submission and confirm that the assessment task was completed by you.

Reasonable adjustment

If you have a permanent or temporary condition that may prevent you from successfully completing the assessment event(s) in the way described, you should talk to your assessor about ‘reasonable adjustment’. This is the adjustment of the way you are assessed to take into account your condition, which must be approved BEFORE you attempt the assessment.

Assessment feedback, review or appeals

In accordance with the TAFE NSW policy Manage Assessment Appeals, all students have the right to appeal an assessment decision in relation to how the assessment was conducted and the outcome of the assessment. Appeals must be lodged within 14 working days of the formal notification of the result of the assessment.

If you would like to request a review of your results or if you have any concerns about your results, contact your Teacher or Head Teacher. If they are unavailable, contact the Student Administration Officer.

Specific task instructions


You are an IT trainee at Red Opal Innovations (ROI_Scenario.pdf). Watch the video: System Diagnostics (Vimeo 00:56 mins) of the Network Manager, Terrence Stewart, discussing some IT issues at ROI. He has also asked you to troubleshoot and resolve several ticket items from the help desk call log, as listed below:

Ticket #




Operating system

My computer is running very slow and keeps freezing. I also got a blue screen a couple of times.



When I open my browser, it doesn’t display pages properly



I’m trying to open my browser and the desktop shortcut doesn’t work.



I can’t get the browser to open



I can’t connect to the internet



My laptop seems to run very hot



My laptop won’t turn on



My phone is getting very hot and the battery runs down really fast



I’m trying to install a new app but it tells me I don’t have enough space. What do I do?



I have an old HP Officejet printer and now that I have upgraded my operating system to Windows 10, it does not work.



I’ve been printing some reports and they look really bad – the colour is faint and it has stripes on it

Part 1: Plan troubleshooting

You need to plan how to troubleshoot the items listed in the Scenario above, which will help you to resolve your clients’ problems.

  • Refer to the IT Maintenance procedure (ROI_IT_Maint_procedure.pdf) for a list of appropriate maintenance tasks that you may need to complete.
  • Document your responses in the IT Troubleshooting Plan (ICTSAS308_AE_Pro_2of2_SR1.docx). Note that you will need to complete these testing and maintenance tasks in Part 2, so ensure that they are achievable.
  1. After watching the video of the Network Manager in the Scenario, identify the reasons that he has asked you to check the computers and the tasks that he would like you to do.
  1. For each ticket item listed in the Scenario above:
    • Determine the symptoms of the issue.
    • Identify possible causes of the problem.
    • List an appropriate testing technique (the steps you would take) or tool to address the symptoms. This must include at least one operating system diagnostic program.
    • List appropriate preventative maintenance techniques to address the symptoms and reduce the chance of this happening again.

Part 2: Perform system maintenance and diagnostic tests

Now you need to perform the testing and maintenance tasks you identified in Part 1.2. Review the IT Maintenance procedure (ROI_IT_Maint_procedure.pdf) for the system diagnostic program specifications (as listed under General maintenance).

To prepare your computer for the assessment tasks, you will use Virtual Box to install a virtual machine on your computer. Then, you will install Windows 10 on this virtual machine.

  • You will need to record each step you take to complete the tests listed under ‘Your task’ using a screen capture tool (for on-screen tasks) or video of you completing the task (for physical tasks). Submit the files as evidence for this part of the assessment
  • You can use Skype to record your steps for on-screen tasks. Follow the steps in How do I record my Skype calls? to learn how to record your screen.
  • Refer to the list of criteria in Observation Checklist 1 to see what skills you need to demonstrate.

Preparation instructions

Note: If you already have Virtual Box installed on your computer, you will not need to install it again. You also may have already installed Windows 10 in Virtual Box in a previous unit; if it is still within its trial period, you can use it for this assessment. If the trial period has expired, you will need to create a new virtual machine and install Windows 10 before completing the assessment tasks.

  • Install VirtualBox:
    • Go to https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads
    • Under VirtualBox platform packages, select Windows hosts or OS X hosts (depending on your operating system) to download the .exe file.
    • Install VirtualBox by double-clicking the VirtualBox package.
  • Create a virtual machine:
  • Install Windows 10:
    • Download a trial version of Windows 10 Enterprise from the Microsoft evaluation center as an ISO file type (.iso image of Windows 10). This is a very large file, so it may take some time depending on your connection. You can use a trial version for 90 days. Note: If you have downloaded this file previously, you can use the same file to create a new virtual machine.
    • In your virtual machine, select start-up disk. Start.
    • The Windows 10 installation will start. Use the following settings:
      • Language to install: English (United Kingdom).
      • Time and currency format: English (Australia).
    • Skip entering the product key.
    • Accept the license terms.
    • Select Custom install and install Windows to the default location.
    • Create a user account for this PC (virtual machine):
      • User1
      • Password#1
    • Modify the settings in Windows Defender to turn off Real-time protection and Cloud-based protection.
    • Copy a sample file to the Documents folder, such as a Word document.

Your task

During this assessment activity, there may be interruptions from colleagues, unplanned phone calls, unexpected system crashes, errors, and/or other minor contingencies that could be expected in this role at a workplace.

  1. Run the operating system diagnostic program that you identified in Part 1.2, according to organisational requirements.
  2. Modify the system configuration as indicated by the diagnostic program to address the symptoms.
  3. Perform the preventative maintenance techniques that you identified for all tasks in Part 1.2.

Part 3: Monitor viruses

You have run a system diagnostic program (Windows Defender) and have been provided with the following report, which detected multiple potential threats.

Meet with the Network Manager in a role play of 5-10 minutes to report the identified viruses.

Record your meeting and submit the video file as evidence for this part of the assessment.

Your assessor will watch the video and complete Observation Checklist 2.

Role play participants:

  • Network Manager – another person that you have organised to participate as the Network Manager
  • IT Trainee – you.

Make sure that you:

  • present the facts clearly, using specific and appropriate language
  • use appropriate communication strategies.

Ensure that you include the following in your role play:

  1. Identify and report two virus infections from this report.

The Network Manager responds (the person playing the role of the Network Manager must read out the following statement):

“Okay, tell me what you propose to do about these viruses”.

  1. Outline at least two proposed actions to take to address the virus infections, including the tools and procedures that you would use.
  2. Ask for approval to implement the actions.

The Network Manager responds (the person playing the role of the Network Manager must read out the following statement):

“Yes that’s fine. Can you also tell me about the preventative maintenance techniques you listed for the first ticket item in the help desk call log – the one about the operating system – and why you chose them”.

  1. Respond with your answer.

Part 4: Implement actions to remove virus

The Network Manager has approved your proposed actions to remove the viruses, which you will now implement.

You will need to take a screenshot of each step you take and submit the files as evidence for this part of the assessment

  • You can use the Snipping Tool (Windows) or print screen to record your actions.
  • To show the assessment has been completed by you on your machine, use Sticky Notes (Windows) or an equivalent tool to record your name and ensure you capture the sticky note in the screen shot or recording.
  • Refer to the list of criteria in Observation Checklist 3 to see what skills you need to demonstrate in the screenshots.

Preparation instructions

Use the virtual machine you set up on your computer in Part 2 of this assessment.

Perform the following steps on your virtual machine to simulate a virus attack:

  • Create a backup of all important files on the computer (you will need to restore this backup file later).
  • Go to the eicar website: http://www.eicar.org.
  • Click on DOWNLOAD ANTI MALWARE TESTFILE link on the top right-hand side of the webpage.
  • Scroll down the page, until you find a line of text like the following:
  • Copy and paste this line of malware text into Notepad and save the text file on the desktop of your virtual machine.

Your task

For each of the tasks 1 to 3 below, take screenshots as indicated (if advised by your assessor). Place the screenshots into this document below and label each one. You will be using the virus protection software Windows Defender.

  1. Configure the settings for Windows Defender according to the IT Maintenance procedure (ROI_IT_Maint_procedure.pdf).
    • Take screenshots showing:
      • the configuration settings
      • that virus signatures and definitions are up to date.
  1. Scan the system and remove any viruses using Windows Defender.
    • Take screenshots showing that the virus was detected and quarantined.
  2. Restore the backup that you created in Part 4, to recover your entire system from a virus attack.
    • Take a screenshot of the restore process being run and a screenshot of the results.

Paste your screenshots in the box below.

  1. Document the procedure using the IT Maintenance Log (ROI_IT_Maint_log.docx). Include at least two symptoms of viruses (in the Comments column), the tools you used and the steps you took (for both tasks) to remove the virus.

Assessment Checklist

The following checklist will be used by your assessor to mark your performance against the assessment criteria of your submitted project. Use this checklist to understand what skills and/or knowledge you need to demonstrate in your submission. All the criteria described in the Assessment Checklist must be met. The assessor may ask questions while the submission is taking place or if appropriate directly after the task has been submitted.

Table 2: Assessment Checklist





Assessor Comments

Part 1.1

Understands spoken discussion and responds appropriately

Assessors are to record their observations in sufficient detail to demonstrate their judgement of the student’s performance against the criteria.

Part 1.2

Creates a troubleshooting plan for the listed ICT software and hardware, based on the organisational requirements

Part 1.2

Determines and documents the symptoms and possible problems

Part 1.2

Identifies appropriate testing techniques and tools to address symptoms

Part 1.2

Identifies appropriate preventative maintenance techniques

Part 4.4

Documents the virus removal procedure, tools and symptoms

Observation Checklist 1

The Observation Checklist 1 will be used by your assessor to mark your performance in Part 2. Use this Checklist to understand what skills you need to demonstrate. The Checklist lists the assessment criteria used to determine whether you have successfully completed this assessment event. All the criteria must be met. Your demonstration will be used as part of the overall evidence requirements of the unit. The assessor may ask questions while the demonstration is taking place or if appropriate directly after the task/activity has been completed.

Table 4 Observation Checklist

Task #

Task/Activity Performed



Assessor Comments
(Describe the student’s ability in demonstrating the required skills and knowledge)

Part 2.1

Runs the operating system diagnostic program according to organisational requirements

Date of Observation:

Assessors are to record their observations in sufficient detail to demonstrate their judgement of the student’s performance against the criteria.

Part 2.2

Modifies the system configuration as indicated by the diagnostic program to address the symptoms

Part 2.3

Performs the preventative maintenance techniques to address the symptoms

Observation Checklist 2

The Observation Checklist will be used by your assessor to mark your performance in Part 3. Use this Checklist to understand what skills you need to demonstrate. The Checklist lists the assessment criteria used to determine whether you have successfully completed this assessment event. All the criteria must be met. Your demonstration will be used as part of the overall evidence requirements of the unit. The assessor may ask questions while the demonstration is taking place or if appropriate directly after the task/activity has been completed.

Table 3 Observation Checklist

Task #

Task/Activity Performed



Assessor Comments
(Describe the student’s ability in demonstrating the required skills and knowledge)


Uses specific and appropriate language to present facts

Date of Observation:

Assessors are to record their observations in sufficient detail to demonstrate their judgement of the student’s performance against the criteria.


Uses appropriate communication strategies


Identifies and reports viruses, proposed actions and request approval for implementation


Understands spoken requests and responds appropriately

Observation Checklist 3

The Observation Checklist 3 will be used by your assessor to mark your performance in Part 4. Use this Checklist to understand what skills you need to demonstrate. The Checklist lists the assessment criteria used to determine whether you have successfully completed this assessment event. All the criteria must be met. Your demonstration will be used as part of the overall evidence requirements of the unit. The assessor may ask questions while the demonstration is taking place or if appropriate directly after the task/activity has been completed.

Table 5 Observation Checklist

Task #

Task/Activity Performed



Assessor Comments
(Describe the student’s ability in demonstrating the required skills and knowledge)

Part 4.1

Configures settings to maintain virus protection

Date of Observation:

Assessors are to record their observations in sufficient detail to demonstrate their judgement of the student’s performance against the criteria.

Part 4.2

Scans the system and removes viruses using software

Part 4.3

Restores a backup

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