HRM Ethical issues | HRM Homework Help | HRM Assignment Help | HRM Tutorials
HRM Ethical issues:
HR manager always tries to hire the candidate who is best suited for an organization. they should also ensure workforce diversity and legal hiring activities.

ISSUES IN ETHICAL MANAGEMENT: An organization faces many challenges while ensuring ethical environment. Some of them are:
- Hurting someone in the process of benefitting others: hiring is a process which includes the screening of various application in which some applicants proceed and some will be left out. Left out applicants will be affected with the rejection, no matter how much the job is important for them.
- Discrimination: the hiring and termination practices should not involve discrimination with applicants on the basis of gender, race, religion, physical disability. Every applicant must be given an equal opportunity to showcase their skills an knowledge.
- Confidentiality: Maintaining privacy is always a matter of concern for HR Manager. The working culture may be open and friendly and allow the employees to share their personal lives but the HR Manager needs to keep it low key and private. This applies when companies give a reference to an employee, ethically manager should give job-related details only.
- Equal opportunity for training: Every employee should be given an equal chance for training to develop new skills. So, the HR manager should not choose the employees for training by bais.
- Reasonable Working Conditions: Every employee expects fair working conditions. Apart from fair pay and incentives, employees need a discrimination-free work environment.
- Labor Costs: HR manager should always pay ethically competitive wages to labor.
HRM Tutorials Topics
- Introduction
- Business Strategy
- Scope
- Planning
- Talent Management
- Training and Development
- Performance Management
- Employee Engagement
- Employee Performance
- Compensation Management
- Rewards and Recognition
- Organizational Culture
- Workplace Diversity
- Industrial Relations
- Dispute Resolution
- Ethical Issues
- Audit and Evaluation
- International HRM
- e-HRM
- Small Scale Units
HRM Assignment Topics
- Conflict Management
- Employment and Unemployment
- Human Capital
- Human resources
- HR management Homework Help
- Organizational culture
- Reward System
- Recruitment and Selection
- Bureaucracy and Adhocracy
- Communications management
- Consensus decision making
- Cross-functional team
- Employee research
- Fraud deterrence
- Group dynamics and Group think
- Hawthorne studies
- Human Relations Movement
- Industrial and organizational psychology
- Labor relations
- Labor and Wage
- Management effectiveness
- Managing change and change management
- Meetings
- Organizational behavior and commitment
- Organizational learning
- Organizational studies and development
- Quality
- Theory X and theory Y
- Time management