HRM Industrial relations | HRM Homework Help | HRM Assignment Help
HRM Industrial relations:
Industrial relations and human resource management is a branch which deals with preparing students for their careers in the fields of business relations, human resource management, working environment change, and adult education and training.
A variety of papers in Education Studies, Human Resource Management, Psychology and labor studies has been studied by the students learning International Human Resource Management (IHRM) and HRM. They are expected to be expert in these subject papers.

Labor laws are the backbone of the workforce management. It ensures equal rights to the employees and labors working in the organization. So, no workforce can be managed without the inclusion of labor laws. If anyone in the organization does not follow any law, the court has to take necessary actions against them.
Some Labor laws amended in India:
- Workmen Compensation Act, 1923: This law was amended to ensure social security and legislations. It provides protection to workmen and their dependants in case of any accidental injury during the course of employement by means of payment of compensation by the managers.
- The Trade Union Act, 1926: This act covers the rules and protection allowed to Trade Unions in India. It was later changed in 2001.
- The Payment of Wages Act, 1936: This act aims at the solution against any unauthorized deduction or delay made by the employer in the payment of wages. Its main motive is to ignore late payments to the employees.
- Minimum Wages Act, 1948: This act explains the minimum wages in all industries. These minimum wage differ from Rs.143 and Rs.1120 per day.
- The Employee’s Provident Fund Scheme, 1952: This act ensures the employees financial security by initiating a system of mandatory savings. Under this employees need to contribute 10-12% of their salary. This amount is repayed to the employee by the company at the time of retirement and can also be partly withdrawn for any specific need.
- The Child Labor Act, 1986: This act ensures the rights of all the children from different sections of the country. It lists the places where children can work and where they can not. It also highlights the procedures in which the children will work.
- The Maternity Benefit (amendment) Act, 2017: The changes in the existing act was made on March, 2017. The duration of leaves increase from 12 weeks to 26 weeks which can be availed to 8 weeks from the expected date of delivery. The woman are also permitted to work from home, If the nature of work permits her to do so.
HRM Tutorials Topics
- Introduction
- Business Strategy
- Scope
- Planning
- Talent Management
- Training and Development
- Performance Management
- Employee Engagement
- Employee Performance
- Compensation Management
- Rewards and Recognition
- Organizational Culture
- Workplace Diversity
- Industrial Relations
- Dispute Resolution
- Ethical Issues
- Audit and Evaluation
- International HRM
- e-HRM
- Small Scale Units
HRM Assignment Topics
- Conflict Management
- Employment and Unemployment
- Human Capital
- Human resources
- HR management Homework Help
- Organizational culture
- Reward System
- Recruitment and Selection
- Bureaucracy and Adhocracy
- Communications management
- Consensus decision making
- Cross-functional team
- Employee research
- Fraud deterrence
- Group dynamics and Group think
- Hawthorne studies
- Human Relations Movement
- Industrial and organizational psychology
- Labor relations
- Labor and Wage
- Management effectiveness
- Managing change and change management
- Meetings
- Organizational behavior and commitment
- Organizational learning
- Organizational studies and development
- Quality
- Theory X and theory Y
- Time management