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BLAW204 Business Law

Trimester 2
Bachelor of Business
Unit: Business Law
Unit Code: BO1 BLAW 204
Assessment item 2 : Major Assignment 2000 words (individual)
Kent Institute Australia

Two research essays.

Objective(s): The assessment addresses Unit Learning Objectives.
Weighting: 30 %
Due: Submitted in Week 8 class. A penalty deduction per day will apply for late submissions. See Unit Outline in SIS/Moodle.

Task Overview: This will be a written assignment worth 30%.

Students will be expected to address all the issues evidenced in both parts of the set assignment.

In Week 8 students shall submit assignment answers to the lecturer in hard copy format and shall upload a soft copy through Turnitin as one Word file. It is highly recommended that students discuss the requirements of the questions with the lecturer.

The Criteria for the evaluation of this assessment item is set out in the subject unit outline on SIS. Assignments submitted should show:

Clear understanding of the questions and its relevant issues.

Evidence of reading and research depth

Application of theory and critical analysis

Use of cases, statutes and other resources to support the analysis

Format of assignment: essay structure: expression, proper presentation and structure including use of a bibliography, referencing and correct use of Harvard Referencing System to acknowledge sources.


Assessment Item 2

In both essays use cases, statutes and other resources covered in the course where appropriate to support the analysis.
Part A 15 % 1000 words


Recently four Australian businesses have been attracting media interest due to their success. They are listed below.
Select one business and complete a research essay setting out the key areas of law in Australia that would be highly significant to their particular operations. You would need to consider all chapters of the text that the course covers.
Boost Juice
One Shift

Part B 15 % 1000 words
Businesses in Australia should ensure that their operations comply with externally imposed law and regulation. Explain in detail what is meant by such regulatory compliance and discuss the key Federal Regulators involved in the enforcement of such compliance.

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