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MGMT13-324 Cross Cultural Management


An understanding of cultural differences and approaches to managing these differences is increasingly important to effective management in international and multicultural business environments. This subject focuses on the techniques of managing in different cultures, in particular on the interpersonal issues that invariably arise in international and cross-cultural contexts. Major topics include the significance of culture in international management, the meaning and dimensions of culture, comparative international management and leadership styles, managing communication across cultures, ethics and social responsibility in global management, cross-cultural negotiation and decision-making, forming and managing global teams and developing the international and global manager.

Type	Undergraduate
Code	MGMT13-324
EFTSL	0.125
Faculty	Bond Business School
Semesters offered
•	May 2020 [Standard Offering]
•	January 2021 [Standard Offering]
•	May 2021 [Standard Offering]
Credit	10
Study areas	•	Business and Commerce

Learning outcomes

  1. Explain the cultural, contextual and personal factors that influence interactions within multinational companies.
    2. Explain how your personal and cultural values and behavioural preferences when working in a team environment impact your ability to function and manage effectively in a cross-cultural business environment.
    3. Diagnose personal, contextual and cultural factors that help or hinder multicultural team effectiveness in teams in which you personally work.
    4. Deliver a logically constructed persuasive presentation using appropriate visual aids.
    5. Articulate ideas, decisions, recommendations and other information in a clear, concise writing style tailored to a given audience.
    6. Demonstrate the ability to work effectively with others to complete a group project.

Enrolment requirements

Requisites: ?


Assumed knowledge:

Assumed knowledge is the minimum level of knowledge of a subject area that students are assumed to have acquired through previous study. It is the responsibility of students to ensure they meet the assumed knowledge expectations of the subject. Students who do not possess this prior knowledge are strongly recommended against enrolling and do so at their own risk. No concessions will be made for students’ lack of prior knowledge.

Assumed Prior Learning (or equivalent):

Restrictions: ?

This subject is not available as a general elective. To be eligible for enrolment, the subject must be specified in the students’ program structure.

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